EPISODE 07: "Life on Mars?"
Starring : Darth Nuno, SamMars?

What's this? Where am I? ... Ok it's the 'central tunnel' part

This 'tunnel' will lead power/video/sound wires from the control box (the one in the middle) to the front of the theater. Here's part after removing all that dust coming form mars!

The black part (that will hold the bass speaker, you will see it later) need to be repaint (too much rust on side), here we go...

While the black paint is drying, the main tunnel part is now clean... and almost on location :

It's also time to restore the six 'cord cover'. Same process for all of them : remove rust...

...sand them, first layer of primer...

...two layers of black, and here we are... brand new!

Oh, remember I told you all the parts were on the same location now? Well, one major part was missing... still located in a room from my father's house!
So, on the road again!

Now inside the V3! That major part is called 'Gate Center'

What? Still something missing in the V3? Even after the 'REUNION DAY'? Yes... where are the three bases that will be located in front of the theater? Oh I remember, they are in the room located under the Nuno's Lair V1! Remember, it's the room I use to store garden tools (and where I use to paint by the way). Ok, let's bring them inside the V3...

They are very heavy because they will support the weight of the front structure, but also players walking on them.

Ok, now it's time to prepare the three control boxes and all the connectivity between them. Here's the first control box...

...and the wires to connect to the second control box :

Namco did it well! Impossible to go wrong here! Connectors are different shapes and colors.
Now connected, I can 'join' these two boxes together

Now, let's examine the connectivity between the second and the third box

Mhhh, I'll have to remember that modification and figure out why it has be done...

Everything is now connected at this level, thanks to the installation manual but also pictures from the disassembling fiver years ago

Ok, so the three control boxes are now connected together, but some wires are going on the left wall, starting that third control box...

...let's open that 'left wall' part...

Ok, these connectors will provide electricity to the neons/bass speaker + sound signal from the third control box...

...into the base screen :

It takes shape!

Now, the video

The End