Now that the cab is slaughtered out, its time to test some things.
Brry71 was interested in the PCB, and i wanted to make sure the "red" issue is not caused by the board, because i dont like selling rubbish.
So i digged up the
testpanel that i made in the past.
the old wireharness is still intact, so i only need to connect the wires to the test controlpanel and we are good to go

I also had a spare cp cable with plug so i solderd that in place.
in this way i dont need to cut off the connector and can keep the cable unmodified.

At my mothers, i "borrowed" some power from my CK

The red was not there on my CK monitor, so the board looks fine.
After looking at the monitor i found a loose wire..

Hmm no wonder that the use of the degauss button did not make any difference, this is the cable to the coil

After i degaussed the monitor manual with my degaussing coil, the colors came back

A video of my "helper" testing the board can be found here.

click the pic..
As for the degaussing, i did a little video too:

click the pic..
It looks like both the board and the monitor are fine, exept for the loose connector wich came out of the board.
but thats a easy fix.
do you want to solder that yourself bela?, or do you want me to take care of that ?
Time for mission number 2;
I dont want that the bezel that needs to be shipped to hungary breaks, so i have decided to go with the
"dartnuno ultra protection packaging method" 
all dressed up like a waiter, i am ready for some woodworking

Little helper, can you bring the delicate bezel here please ?

Thank you Xander, i'll take it from here

Some spare pieces of wood i had lying around

One part cut, one more to go.

Some screws will hold it together

After making the two borders, im checking if it fits and that i did not make any measure mistakes..

4 borders ready, and it fits good.

used some bubble wrap, to give it maximum protection.

An old handle makes a nice suitcase of this sandwich

To test the durability i dropped the suitcase from 1 meter to the ground....

Noooo just kidding ofcourse !

Ready for transport, although i thought something was missing, so i put on a label

Everything ready for now, lets see what the delivery options are.
already speaking with chris and thwocker..