The time is coming... Let's save the 'Project Dragoon' video footage for eternity... but also for an emulator

(check this
post for the 'Attack Of The Zolgear'' video footage topic).
When I got my GT-6 (
for information GT-6 is the real name/model of my machine, but we all use to say 'Galaxian Theater'

), it was equipped with the 'Attack Of the Zolgear' upgrade kit. It means all the 'Zolgear' board and
TWO 'Zolgear' laser disc : one for left LD player, the other one for the right LD player.
Well, as a bonus, I also got a box with 11 boards from (I presume...) original 'Project Dragoon' mission... and
ONE 'Dragoon' laser disc.
Holy Jesus... too bad... only
one 'Dragoon' LD.... but I need
Now... the good new is : The laser disc contains footage from left AND right LD player

It means I have the complete footage, which it sounds perfect for the emulation purpose

Yes, the first half part of the disc shows what happens on left screen, the second part shows the right part... live is good

Ok, the 'tools' of the day :
The original 'Project Dragoon' LD

Two *brand new* 160GB hard drive : one for the files, the other as a backup of course (hey, this footage is very important

) :

A capture device, this USB capture 'Easycap' pal/ntsc. I'm glad to know that is a good choice, thanks for the info Warren

[from Daphne Team], see (
here) :

A Sony LD3600D Pal/Ntsc (thanks to DCE 'Galaxy Force II man' for that free gift

) :

Let's configure the capture device/software as best as possible :

I know 576 lines is a little bit too much, but my capture device detects 525 lines when the player plays the video, so it's the only option I can choose (480 is not enough).
Anyway it's not a problem, I'll just have the crop the video.

On the following picture you see the number of lines detected : 525

No compression during the capture of course...and I need the best quality possible for the "master" video

No compression for the sound of course :

OK, setup is done, now let's that the real operation

Let's start with the this side : "G³-THEATER6 -

Go Go Go ...

During the capture

Done... one big .AVI 41 GB file, uncompressed

That unique file include all the footage on that side : left+right footage

Now let's check the other side : "G³-THEATER6 -

It includes
exactly the same footage than the other side... and the voice are still in English ...and not in Japanese... strange. I check, double check...triple check and I see NO difference at all ... very strange.
Ok, so I don't need to capture that side

The next step will be the 'mixdown' of that huge. I'll need a lot of advices regarding that...
What compression format to use ? what will be the video size ? I don't know what the Mame-Team or Daphne Team uses to set for the 'mixdown' of such video file... Let's investigate