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Messages - uncletom

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Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Paris, aaah Paris!
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:57:34 PM »
 ;D yes, the french take good care of their good old stuff, a good example of this would be the Louvren. But damn the city is hot, and I do mean cooking. I need a shower every hour here.

Anyway, today I managed to haul Camilla to La Fantome. It is a nice place, bar, with aircon and a few cabs. At least three cocktails with Galaga, Donkey K..., also a NeoGeo inside an old Nintendo cab (Sherrif... something), a ms Pacman, upright Space Invaders (out of order) and ofcourse an upright but sadly somewhat invalidized Afterburner. I did play the Afterburner some, 1€ 2 credits, but the rumble pack/stick was loose inside the machine, so playing well was not possible. Oh, and they had a Sega Astro with SF Generations as well.

I see, thanks for your info, Hi. That old imperialism is visble everywhere here. You guys paint your roof tops in gold, and especially keeping that old tower alive and standing just shows you are a bunch of tough guys. I guess it was the french against the britts (but the battle is still on?). History is full of adventure. Althoug in sweden we focus more on the flowers and bees, occasionally some arcade games.

Thanks for the new suggestions guys! I will sure check out the old Sega World, and the Arcade Street looks awesome.

Now I am forced to drink some port wine and eat cheese that we bought in the shop around the corner.

(Caincain, you need more pot)

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Paris, aaah Paris!
« on: July 20, 2013, 06:24:00 PM »
Thanks, Hi. Now it seems we are progressing. I would look great on photo holding that Afterburner stick. Now I need to convince Camilla to take me there, she thinks she knows Paris well so this will be a challenge.

I also bet that people there speak english, I am always very stunned by how little english people know here in France. I wonder why... You know?

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Paris, aaah Paris!
« on: July 20, 2013, 12:02:28 AM »
What address is this shop at?

Ok, got it.
NEO LEGEND | 71 rue Crozatier 75012 Paris ...

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Paris, aaah Paris!
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:56:37 PM »
Thanks, Bruno. I will.

Thank you, Eti. It is very nice of you. However, it isn't my first time in Paris and, as strange as it may seem, I am not impressed by the eifel tower. If l want an overview of the city I would take a trip to Montparnasse and their '360 cafe' at the top. The Eiffel is just a dangerous piece of metal waiting to be recycled. Sorry, but that is the truth.

To give you an example of what I am doing here: walking around the Latin Quarters eating crepes, taking a tour with the tourist bus just to get a nap, sitting at the outside tables drinking beer watching beggars use their kids as bait, and taking the heat of the sun vaporizing my brain.

We've been on road through Berlin, Prague, Chrudim, Oswiecim (and their awesome human recycling plant), Vienna, Lichten..., Sweitz (and the current jazz festival), ... well you name it. So, I figured that once back in the seemingly civilized world I'd be able to get some sort of look at an arcade in business, if there still is such a thing left in the world today.

Does anybody know if there is an open arcade somewhere here in Paris?
(playstation & xbox doesn't count)

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Paris, aaah Paris!
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:56:19 AM »
Wow! Thank you Blanka. That is really interesting information (you work as a tourist guide?). My arcade fever has been quite cool for a while due to the fact that I have been racing my rented Nissan Q through all the various scenery Europe offers, just like GTI Club but in real-time. I figured that inbetween all the tourism and city browsing, including your profound system of living (we rent a small appartment here) maybe I could squeeze in something less amazing like some good old interactive digital art.

It is a beautiful car, yes. But, as with women when in the heat of the battle - can she duck?

Has anybody driven this car at all?

Arcade Lifestyle / Paris, aaah Paris!
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:04:03 AM »
So, I have been touring with my nervous cat around Europe, and now we have arrived in Paris. Yes, the city of many colors and even more smells.. But, because I am an avid arcade game life-styler I dont care about the smells. What I care about is ARCADES!

Now my fellow french allies; where are your arcades?
(Any information will be treated highly confidential)

Galaxian Theater / Re: Quickplay-Starblade
« on: July 19, 2013, 10:42:04 AM »
Beatiful! But once again the aspect ratio is wrong. I d need to download the video to watch it on my pc to change the aspect. However! Thank you very much. It's always an experience to see someone play Starblade.

THAT is a beautiful gun!

Aaah, great pictures. Thank you!

When will your lair open? When can I come to try the Galaxian 3?

Thank you very much for that picture. I think I can imaginge now how it must look. But I still need to play it that way to really experience the glory of the concept. Amazing... I wonder how it would look on Starblade.

Damn, I apologise.. sorry. I'm a master of derailing threads. Lucky for us all you're around to keep it on track.

Tyrem. Ok, I'll take your word for it then. But you must not underestimate your need for good air.

Level. Right, hahaha.. no. In this case I think that the czechs are more conserned with other 'problems' around their borders - women. There's this village on the border from Germany, full of really enthusiastic women who sell themselves. Ever since I was a little boy and we used to go by this little village, I asked my mom about all those girls, she was never really honest to me. But today I understand.

Cars have active air-conditioning, the G3 doesn't. When you sit there playing, starting to feel dizzy, remember that I brought the issue up. I mean, it's not difficult to do something about it, you can just put a regular air-fan from any store blowing air into one 'door', the air would circulate exiting the other 'door'. That would be sufficient. I'm only mentioning this for your convenience. Not as a joke.

Thanks Level. I'm looking at your kanaaal  now. Awesome stuff.

.. but there's nothing about your bezel there.

I really want to go to Eurocade, but my Camilla wants to tour eastern europe this summer, so it looks like I'll be driving in the Czech republic instead.

Ully, easy for you to say. You have an integrated breathing system in your helmet there.

Level, thanks for the pic. Awesome idea actually. I've never seen that bezel, I thought the cockpit version had a black paper-bezel just like the upright has. Well then, I'm really curious now. Do you have the game rigged up to play at home now?

... Is there a plane leaving for Holland today?

Level, could you film it for me, please?

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