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Messages - uncletom

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Come on guys, don't bring toilets into the picture, please!

I have never played the Star Wars cockpit with the original cardboard bezel, so I don't know what you mean. Please tell me.

Ully, ofcourse. I'm very sensitive.

Yes yes, jeez me. But you do agree that I have a certain point in the argument. The brain does need oxygen, and you need your brain to play well. I really hope that the circulation by the game fans will be sufficient, or I will bring my own oxygen tank into the theater.

Painting the roof, I'd use a matt black to avoid any reflections from any possible angles.

yes, well you can test that theory in practice, six big men playing G3 for an hour. I will bet you that somebody is going to feel dizzy.

Let me just express a slight consern about the possible oxygen deprivation, and the causes thereof. Not to mention the unpleasant smell if someone has had too much beans.

Did you make sure there is sufficient ventilation inside the player's area?

Galaxian Theater / Re: Another new Starblade owner
« on: May 25, 2013, 09:40:49 AM »
Congrats on your Starblade there.

Just put any good power-switch with the same measurements in there, it'll work perfect.

You should disable the motor/rumble-pack while bolts are missing. Could otherwise turn into a nasty incident.

Ballast for marquee light, just use any fitting size armature, preferably some HF-ballast that doesn't blink when turned on.

Switches for handle buttons; as you say, any ones that fit, preferably with a soft 'click' I'd say would be best. I never liked the original quiet Sanwas for this game.

Off to the hardware store mate, and don't forget to isolate all electrics properly.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 27, 2013, 05:04:28 PM »
A project well done.

You not only salvaged and rebuilt the thing, you needed a house for it so you built that too. And now you have it to experience every day. That is in deed a victory.

.. now all I need to do is to come and play it.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 18, 2013, 01:18:06 PM »
A side question, has anybody ever used a projector for vertical games? Is there anything to consider when mounting a projector sideways?

I mean it is heavy and all, and it would most likely require a special mounting bracket/arm.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:52:41 PM »
Hahaha. Awesome! Great pictures.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:25:16 PM »
Well, we must understand that it is a "Rétroprojecteur".

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:19:08 PM »
Yes, I know, Level, thanks.

And I thought I was a good boy keeping my coffee stash updated. Staying up to date is a full time job, but I will be browsing this forum more thoroughly in the future. I've only got the email-note on for Galaxian 3 this far.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 13, 2013, 07:34:06 AM »
That sounds lovely. Thanks Level. Who is Mr.Love?

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:57:52 PM »
Yes, it is. Kind of makes me wish I had eight asses so that I could play all of the Daytonas at once.  ;D

About the SONY projectors there, could I buy one in US and have it shipped? Anybody knows how much it costs to ship a CRT projector to EU?

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:46:27 AM »
Thanks Vrax. Interesting to hear.

And.. "CRT projectors have no fixed-pixel structure (like a shadow mask, or a digital projector) -- they're just painting the beam on a solid plane of colored phosphor, so they can naturally "bleed" the colors slightly, which is desirable."

-  That's exactly what I like about the analog display technology.

About the poor black-level in LCD/DLP regular projectors, same goes for any LCD/LED panels. There's always this ambient base brightness which you can never get rid of, sadly.

And "... digital projectors are only going to have extremely limited geometry adjustments, if any at all.. "

-  I really had no idea about this. Since the G3 screen is curved, would two DLP projectors be able to project a seemless picture then? And what about the throw distance, are the CRT projectors generally better in this aspect? It would be a nightmare if you'd swap the CRT-prjs for some LCD/DLP ones, and discover that you cannot fit the size, being it too large, or too small.

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:28:07 AM »
Awesome summary there, vrax.

I didin't know digital projectors had less vivid colors than CRT projectors. But can't you just tweak the 'Saturation' or something in a DLP projector to display more intense color?

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