This is the story of the 2 guy's that teamed up to save a part that was
lost during transport.
This is a real story, and is based on true events that occurred

An early attempt to
save the artwork by scanning, vectorising and reproducting was done, but we had a lucky break when Ronald
pointed us to a Zacc with the original Bezel!
I saw in the marktplaats pics that the coindoor decal was uncracked and that the door seems to be unscratched.(mine is cracked and has scratches..

Now what to do

As you know i don't have space for a second cab, but some spare parts are always welcome.
I decided to send the seller an email with some information questions about the cab

Later i checked my mail, and i received a request from Bela if i could contact the seller, wich i already did at that time..
i had a feeling he would ask me that..

So Bela and me made a deal, he pays the cab, i pick it up, strip the parts he need, and keep the rest.
from now on we like to call ourselfs "the raiders of the lost zacc"

I made the offer to the seller with the amount of cash that bela told me, and the seller agreed.

I work in Zoetermeer and in Den haag, so i decided to leave my job early on the day of the pickup and drive to the seller after work.
Here is the route that i took last week when i picked up the cab.

Starting at Point F is my home.
I travelled to point B wich is my job in Zoetermeer.
After work i drove to point C wich is where the cab was located.
and from the sellers place i took some detours to avoid traffic jams back home.
6.46 a.m. Usual time to leave for work, only this time i will bring my little trailer.
The last
pickup i did in
Bela36 style, but that was close to my place, and it was good weather..

Let me see, Toolbox; check, Tarp; check, Straps; check, Lots of other junk

, check

Ladies and gentleman, Start your engines !

Hmmm rain and traffic jam.. does not look good

Arrived at work in the parking, i disengaged the trailer and put it next to my car in a "deadspot"

I stopped working around 3 p.m. and its time to head for Zaandam.

No roadtrips without snacks & coffee

Passing Schiphol Airport..

And another traffic jam at Amsterdam...
18 minutes delay through the "coentunnel"

First glance of the Zacc at the sellers location.

Time to load this one.
I removed the monitor, Bezel and Marquee because i don't want them in the trailer with a change of possible damages..

The rest goes in the trailer

It was a bit rainy this day, so i wrapped the tarp around it to protect it.
There is still some plaster leftovers on from the rebuilding of my house.

5 p.m. Time to start the trip home!

A little break at the gasstation, just to check if everything was still strapped and safe.
i dont want to loose the cab on the highway

Breda north, thats my Exit, almost home

7:38 p.m. Safely arrived at home

Time to unload the cab, my friend helped me to unload it and bring the stuff into the house.

Time for a little inspection and put the parts back inside again.
you may ask why, but if you have children, then you know why

The locks where drilled already, so it was easy to open

I noticed that the T-moulding and wood surfaces on this cab are in better conditions than mine, so i decided to transplant all my CK stuff in this cab, that gives me 2 advantages; 1. better looking 2. the cab can go to my mother where i can transplant the stuff and then ditch the old CK so there is only one again in my mothers place.... or not.. and leave it there, its upstairs already then, and she will not bring it down

We will see what happens.....

this label indicates that it was a Comidar before they converted it to Timepilot84
I think i will leave it there, this gives some soul to the cab

Back of the cab is never looking nice with the zacc's if you ask me
poorly painted and looks dirty..

It looks like this machine made his money

Time Pilot 84 Original Konami PCB inside..
Anyone interested ? i don't need it...

After putting it back together, i fired it up.
Looks like there is a problem with the monitor..

this was also in the sellers place, so it was not due to my transporting
Looks like the blue is missing, although i see some purple wich comes from blue.
Or is that a matter of degaussing...
don't know, will test it on my CK, and see what it does.

In the coinbox i found some guilders, and i tried one to see if the coinmech is working.
i could not get the guilder in, something seems to have jammed the coinslot...
lets find out...

only 9 guilders where stuck in there

Now its working !

My wife asked me what i am going to do with this cab in the kitchen..

I said, well, the dog will guard it for the time beeing ..
After that i started to sing a
great 80's song 

I will post again when there are developments

Breda - zoetermeer 72Km - 2 hours
Zoetermeer - zaandam 68 Km - 1 hour 15 minutes
Zaandam - Breda 145 Km - 2 hour 39 Minutes due to traffic jams..
Total time 6 hours 32 minutes
Total Km. 285