As expected, that switch was the one! Right picture 'orientation' now :

Next step, to setup the picture size. No problem except ... the horizontal size... too small

It supposed to be 'this', but when using an allen key to rotate inside, there's no effect at all, not even a single move of the picture? Part to replace?

This doesn't stop me to play my first game in good condition :

Now let's check the control panel. Well, it's 'used' but not damaged, so there no reason to change it for me.
Ok, a small missing overlay part close to the "2 player" button, but I can live with that.
The bottom of the overlay peel of. A good 'glue' advise/method to fix it back?

Dirty here!

After a "magic sponge" session, it looks far better, huh?

I think it's time for that KFM to leave the 'repair room'

Now I have to order a set of side art...

...that will hide the remain of glue on the sides..

Playing time!

My first high score

69520 ... floor 4 ... damn, these butterflies are damn hard to pass!