Ok, so there's not really other new galaxian3 stuff I could find. I did happen to find this:
Aside from that WonderEgg 2nd Anniversary CD, there's the WonderEgg 2 logo on Auction. Simply 500 yen.
Also screenshots featuring Galaxian3 and Tower of Druaga attraction on the PSP Game of RIDGE RACER.
I also found what might appear to be from the NG magazines:
Anyone got any of these toys from that place?
Just some Galaxian3 information. Probably the one we already know.
If only there was a scan of the entire guidebook... / It couldn't be that big, could it?
I so want that. Obviously the park entrance's ticket station (Where you purchase access to the park)... I think.
WonderEgg 3 Opening Ceremony If only there was a way to bring it back...
Uh, how di- oh, that's just advertisement of the park.
Another set of toys. I can't really understand this
http://adventure-world.info/wondereggs.html (translator websites have a very, VERY long way to go for professional translation)
Now that is nostalgic...
Another set of cards, papers, and pins. (A very good scan of the golden knight pin is here
The WonderEgg 3 Farewell Ceremony A.K.A The Grand Finale, in its final hours before closure. Idk what song they were playing. But it could bring tears from the past.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KbXdn1zPWjwJ:homepage3.nifty.com/F_Maruhashi/121231.htm+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us (cached version, because the current was displaying garbage text instead)
Someone part of the galaxian3 staff (I think)
Well there's not really much of galaxian3, but there's some of WonderEgg. Still more Rare Gems to discover, more info to uncover, and pretty much some stuff to collect to prevent it from being disposed of.
Um, was this part of the WonderEgg or was it on some other parks Namco built?