Author Topic: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!  (Read 789561 times)

Sonic 1992

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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #120 on: November 26, 2012, 09:51:31 PM »
Awesome..... It's finally happening!  :D


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #121 on: November 27, 2012, 12:56:34 AM »
I've waited for this day to come for looong time, awesome.


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #122 on: November 27, 2012, 11:56:41 AM »
Finally! I'm looking so much forward to seeing this assembled again! ;D


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #123 on: November 27, 2012, 03:35:03 PM »

Yes... and reassembling all the Galaxian³ parts inside the V3 in a such 'historical moment' for me, that it deserves something really special, so here we goes :

So for that day, what could be a better representation than all the Galaxian³ logo letters coming together, as showed in the real Galaxian3 game attract mode?
For doing this, I'll use the real laser disc arcade footage captured on both LD (left + right), and reassemble the two pictures to have the Galaxian³ logo in its full glory!

And to picture the idea of the 'event' to come, which is the reunion of all the Galaxian Theater parts (not the reassembling of the Theater so far), I selected the logo phase while all the letters are coming together, but they are not totally grouped!  8)

So I bought white t-shirts, and asked Sam to print me the logo on the same 'Iron-On Shirt Transfers' sheets used 5 five years ago for the original trilogy.

You can spot a sheet with the original model done in 2007 for the road trip...

Arghhh... I should not have print the new logo on these old sheets... Impossible to transfer the image as it supposed to be...  :ghost:  :arrow:

Let's buy new sheets...

...and it works like a charm now!  :)  :arrow:

So yes, you understand now why I call this day ...


Here we are ... the 24th of November 2012... early in the morning ... the welcome packs are ready for all the participants  8)  :arrow:

The truck is ready :

And here's the cast (in order of appearance) :

Ombrenoire 'The Dark Shadow', coming from France  :arrow:

Funkycochise and Aganim, coming from France :arrow:

Sam, temporarily the keeper of the seven keys some G³ parts, coming from Belgium...

...and ChrisChris, coming from Belgium :

I'm taking place in the truck with Sam, the rest of the UGSF team follow us in this car :

9:04am, on schedule  8)

My first tattoo!  ::) :P :arrow:

For one time, the destination is not too far from my home, only 35 km to go!  8) Hope we will arrive before the Cannon Seed will destroy an other planet!... ops?!  :roll:  :arrow:

Ok, at location ... my mother's home... Sam leads me through the truck docking operation  ;D  :arrow:

The UGSF team entering the place...

So here they are, most the the biggest Galaxian Theater parts... They waited quietly here for more than 5 years...

In addition of the Galaxian3 parts, I'll get back the other cabinets also 'in storage' here. Let's start with this Exidy STAR FIRE (Road Trip can be seen right here) :

Hey, something really cool regarding the rent truck : no need protection for the cabinets, it's full of 'carpet' here!  :-*  :arrow:

Today, I'm the 'conductor' of this 'Arcade Opera'  ;D  :arrow:

STAR FIRE now on board :

« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 01:14:07 AM by DarthNuno »


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #124 on: November 27, 2012, 03:35:19 PM »
An other cabinet 'pending' here is the Super Bug (road trip can be seen here), now loaded inside the truck  :arrow:

We are more or less working in two team here. One is moving out parts from the house...

...while the second one is loading the parts inside the truck :

Because there's a lot of parts, we think it's better to bring them all outside, and thinking the best way to arrange them inside the truck first, before loading them.... All the parts should fit the truck! No time for two travels!

Ombrenoire & Aganim have the honor to move out the last Galaxian3 part from the cellar basement  ;D  :arrow:

Giant tetris game inside the truck...

Still more parts... but it's quite easy with a '6 players' team  8)  :arrow:

While we are loading there parts...

...we are discovering new details. Anyone can translate this?  :arrow:

Dawn! It's quite easy with so many people today  :-*  :arrow:

Hell Yeah!  :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:  :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

Most of the parts are heavy, it's not really necessary to 'secure' them inside the truck, only few of them...

OK, here is the last batch of parts to load...

Men at work...

As you can see, the truck is almost full...

Ombrenoire is 'securing' the last part... he is a smoker by the way, funny to see him working so close to that 'non smoking' sticker  ;D  :arrow:

No more cardboard or whatever available? No problem, here's the solution to protect parts  :D  :arrow:

Damn it! After so many years of wait, my mother and Freddy have this room available again  ;D  :arrow:

Congratulation to the European UGSF Team, you have successfully completed the first mission of the day!  :arrow:

 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

Ok, the ship is now ready to bring all the part inside the Nuno's Lair V... Ignition!  8)

And less than 25 minutes l8ter, we are approaching the final destination, this small village in the middle of nowhere...

...I call it : home!  8)
« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 11:51:09 PM by DarthNuno »


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #125 on: November 27, 2012, 03:35:31 PM »
UGSF Team, ready to unload!

The official 'power up' item for all members here today!  ;D  :arrow:

Watch out, serious job here!   ;D  :arrow:

The V3, before any new parts today...

Here we are, the massive ones first...

The truck is emptied rather quickly...

...but I knew it won't be the 'big job' of the day  ::)... no! ... the first hard task is now  :roll: :oops: to get out Galaxian3 parts out from my house.
And if it wasn't complicate enough, the parts are located either in my attic, either in my office ...located at the first floor!  :oops:

See!  :arrow:

A real nightmare to handle these boxes! I still do not understand how I putted these parts five years ago at the first floor, with the help of only one person! See here if you do not believe me!  :shock:


and THREE... inside the V3!  :arrow:

Level up, guys! Let's go in the attic! More parts there  ::) :twisted:  :arrow:

Once again, two teams... the first one stay in the attic...

...while the second one stay in the first floor...

Good team work... progressing fast!  :)

Debriefing Strategies...  ;D

...OK guys, let's vary our enjoyment by moving out something different than Galaxian Theater parts, huh?  ::) ;D

What? I didn't tell you? Well... today I also need help to move 'regular' games ( :oops:)... No no... nothing complicated to do... only this Battlezone located at the first floor  :roll:  :arrow:

I'm sure they hate me now!   8)

Ok, an easy one now, this empty Ms Pac-Man... :pac:  :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 12:31:45 AM by DarthNuno »


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #126 on: November 27, 2012, 03:35:43 PM »
An other one to move out from the first floor of my house, sorry guys... but I swear it's the last one to move ... on the first floor  ::) :P  :arrow:

Yeah! Moving that Spy Hunter is a nightmare! I can't remember why at the time I moved it at the first floor? ... oh I remember, lack of space!  ;D

After more than 5 years 'untouched' ( :oops:), this Spy Hunter is finally outside of the house!

The unexpected follower of the day! Careful guys, the Sauron's eye is watching us!  :twisted:  :arrow:

Ok guys, it's time to do a break... Darth Nunette is back with some food...

...typical Belgian food!  :P

Can you recognize all the 'dishes'?  ;D


Nothing can beat this food!

Now do you believe me when I tell you I probably have the highest WAF 'possible'  ::) ;D  :arrow:

OK, back to work!

The idea now is to move out some big cabinets, for the V2 into the V3... I take advantage of the situation, so many helpers today!  :-*
Before moving the Guitar Freaks, we have to get out the Berzerk...

Thanks to the new side way, it's a piece of cake to move games from V1/V2 <> V3 ...

Now we can move out that beast!  :arrow:

That Daytona USA twin will be better in the V3! Sorry guys, another big one to move  ::) :oops:  ;)  :arrow:

ChrisChris must leave in the middle of the afternoon, so it's time for us to make right now the 'official' pictures of the day, while the UGSF European team is still complete!

Well, the initial idea was to wear the 'event T-Shirt' all the day, but hey... it's winter season, a waaaaaayyyyyy too cold outside...

(from left to right) Ombrenoire 'The Dark Shadow', Sam, Funkycochise, Aganim, ChrisChris and myself (Darth Nuno)

This AB will have the honor to be in the brand new V3 too  8)  :arrow:

One of my room will host the non working games, or games to these games still outside...  :arrow:

No more game 'outside' now... and no more free space inside the V2  :?  :arrow:

Now let's go back to Galaxian Theater stuff please!  8) Remember a shed at the back of my garden? Here's a picture from November 10, 2007  :arrow:

To remind you, I used that shed to store the 6 'seat/gun bases'... see more pictures right here:

So here's the same shed, 5 years later...

... and I've never opened that door since 5 years! So l hope these items won't be too damaged by humidity/rust/water or whatever?  :roll:

Well! No severe damage on them but... expected, more rust, and all the vinyl damaged! I'll have to restore them before assembling the theater. OK, the 6 'players bases' are now safe inside the V3  :arrow:

« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 11:33:25 AM by DarthNuno »


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #127 on: November 27, 2012, 03:35:57 PM »
Let's take a short break...

I will have to give back the truck rental in less than one hour. It's not very far from my house but we will lose a lot of time if we go there together... and there are still Galaxian3 parts to move from my attic to the V3.
Ok, I'll bring back the truck -alone- while the rest of the UGSF team will continue to move G3 parts! What a team!  8)

So while I driving to the truck rental..

Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My subconscious mind
Starts spinning through time
To rejoin the past once again

Nothing seems real
I`m starting to feel
Lost in the haze of a dream

And as I draw near
The scene becomes clear
Like watching my life on a screen

At the same time, the UGSF team found an other camera and start to have fun with  ;D! No comment, because I wasn't there!  ;D  :arrow:

I'm finally back... hey, what happens here?  ::) :P  :arrow:

Ok, my turn to play!  8)  :arrow:

Great job guys, all the remaining parts from the attic are now out! But the job is not over today!  :arrow:

What a day!... and now, what a night!  :P  :arrow:

Still parts to move out from my 'office'... hey, what happens here?

Wait! Same picture with the flash on  :twisted:  :arrow:

OK guys, I know you are all tired, but just a last effort please!  ;D
The seats are now inside the V3... only five here? Where is the last one?

Here! Sam?!  ;D  :arrow:

OK, I guess all the Galaxian3 parts are now in the V3... but ... this is not over guys  :roll: Did I mentioned you I wanted to move out some games from my living room?  ::) What about this Space Invaders Pinball?  ::)  :arrow:

At this point, everyone need a break...

"Come on guys, we need your help..."

"Ok, I'll try to get up OmbreNoire..."

"I give up... and stay with him"

« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 12:46:53 AM by DarthNuno »


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #128 on: November 27, 2012, 03:36:25 PM »
Ok, here's the true-real-last cabinet to move today! :P  :arrow:

Cannot resist to put this cabinet close to the cabinet (in french)...  ;D

Fortunately that Sega Astro was the last one to enter the V3 today, because OmbreNoire hides under the SI pinball to avoid any additional work!  ;D! Gotcha!  ;D  :arrow:

What a day, but here we are... 'most' of the tasks scheduled today are done! To be honest I also had the idea to disassemble the G-Loc and move it into the V3, but it would require too much work! So I didn't mention it to you guys  ::) :P Debriefing of the day, inside the V3... what a mess...

We are all so tired...A last drink...

..for our arcade fellowship  :) ...

Once again, many thanks to all the UGSF European team...Ombrenoire, Sam, Funkycochise, Aganim, ChrisChris...fellowship created for this 'event'...and beyond!) today, for your time, your happiness, your strength... 100% pure ArcadeLifeStyle spirit!  :-* :-* :-*

What a mess here...but all the G parts are inside the V. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen!

Oh, and here's the video of the day :

[click on the picture to watch the video]


Ok, now I have all the keys to go further in this story...

...and so I can start the last chapter of this 'odyssey'!  8)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 01:58:26 PM by DarthNuno »


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #129 on: November 27, 2012, 03:41:02 PM »
 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #130 on: November 27, 2012, 04:13:12 PM »
I have a feeling, that some of our belgian and german members were there undercover. ;)

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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #131 on: November 27, 2012, 09:22:10 PM »
What A Tease!

What A Tease!

What A Tease!

What A Tease!

What A Tease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D

I'll bet they are already playing it!!!! 

This is soooo cool !!!  ;D  ;D  :pac:  :ghost:  :spaceace:


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #132 on: November 27, 2012, 10:28:31 PM »
Can't stay tuned much longer!! Please, more pics! :D


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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #133 on: November 28, 2012, 12:43:15 PM »
I'll bet they are already playing it!!!! 


You are one crazy person!  ;D  ;D
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Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« Reply #134 on: November 29, 2012, 10:02:01 AM »
hes been to busy playing gears of war 3 on his 360!!