This is it... I've done my UK roadtrip #10
No less than 5 Classic games , almost 1900km on the road, two crazy days ...
But first of all, watch in this video the restrospective of all the UK roadtrip done until now
[ click on picture to watch the trailer now ]Friday, the 26th of October 2007The van is ready... not a small one as you can see... I want to be sure to get all the cabs I want

192 cm high...and very long

OK, for this roadtrip the idea is to visit two arcade warehouses in UK. The first one is located in the middle of UK, the other in the south est
This will be a long journey... I'm not sure to be able to do this UK Tour roadtrip in one day...and without sleeping somewhere... so as a safety mesure, I'm getting some blankets & cushions if we have to sleep in the van

Saturday, the 27th of October 2007Wake up dudes ... it's 4:24am ... Holy Jesus

Let's check the distance with the INDISPENSABLE nav sat' from my house to the first arcade warehouse to visit

Opsss... 863 km to go ... 8:35 hours to drive ... without counting the Eurotunnel part

...gloups ...
Arf, I forget to take a picture of the mileometer before leaving the house...

...but I know the true value is : 64.218km
Ok, so 3h40 later, we arrive at the Eutotunnel.... for the 10th times

...entering the train ... again ... again ... and again
WELCOME IN UKOn the *famous* M20 motorway ...

Arrving at the Dartford Crossing... which allows to go round London by the south or by the north...
Traffic jam... we are stuck ... one, two, five, ten minutes without moving... oups
People start to get out of their vehicules... not good ...

Well, we are lucky ... we have to drive only 20 meters to reach the intersection which lead to the south way... but this intersection is 20 meters behind us

... so carefully, and like the other vehicules behind us, I put the rear gear

...not easy to drive back with a such van


Of course, the Nav Sat' has to recalculate the new route. And because of this change, it adds 40 km on the distance... but I prefere driving a little bit more than wait one hours in a traffic jam
I'm happy.... the way is clear for us now...

But it's not the case for the opposite vehicules

2 km before an exit ... traffic jam again ?

No.. it's ok

... I didn't pay attention about the high of our van


But it's ok... it's only a van, not a truck
Ok, were are now very close from the first arcade warehouse... tourist picture

Hey, a Space Invaders truck... It must be there

Ok, so here's for what I'm coming on this warehouse ... ladies & gentemen ... please welcome ...
Ok, it's not in a great shape... but I've to restore a such arcade icon... very hard to found, here in Europe

Let's plug it... it supposed to be working... but ...

... it's not working ... graphics garbages on power on

OK, the seller is on the level, and also very nice... so discount of course.
On the warehouse, I see an Atari Super Bug... a cab in my 'nice to have' list

The game should work... but it won't

Well, we can hear the game running but the monitor is not working ...

...but it's ok for me ... discount ... and I have a lot of free space in the van

Let's load it ... so heavy

... the Spy Hunter is also VERY heavy

Let's "seal" the deal

OK, time to go...quick check up...it's 15:06 uk time (the van is still set on Belgian time 16:06) :

The Nav Sat' says : 390km to drive for going to the warehouse number 2 ...

Ok, but now... we're very hungry... and each times I'm in UK and I need to eat quick... I'm choosing BURGER KING

For information, there's no Burger King in Belgium ... sad isn't it

Hey, I've found a great thing : DR PEPPER ZERO !!! You're very lucky in england : Arcade Classics games, Burger King ...and Dr Pepper ZERO !!!

I guess I'll move to UK soon
Ok, no time to loose... there is a long way to go ...
4 hours later, we arrive at the arcade warehouse 2... what a pain... the road is very dangerous ... so tiny ... no light, strong curves

... we are crossing the