Author Topic: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!  (Read 29514 times)


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:: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:27:49 PM »

This is it... I've done my UK roadtrip #10  :P

No less than 5 Classic games , almost 1900km on the road, two crazy days ...  :o  

But first of all, watch in this video the restrospective of all the UK roadtrip done until now  :arrow:

                    [  click on picture to watch the trailer now ]

Friday, the 26th of October 2007

The van is ready... not a small one as you can see... I want to be sure to get all the cabs I want  :roll:  :arrow:

192 cm high...and very long  8)

OK, for this roadtrip the idea is to visit two arcade warehouses in UK. The first one is located in the middle of UK, the other in the south est  :shock:
This will be a long journey... I'm not sure to be able to do this UK Tour roadtrip in one day...and without sleeping somewhere... so as a safety mesure, I'm getting some blankets & cushions if we have to sleep in the van  :? ...

Saturday, the 27th of October 2007

Wake up dudes ... it's 4:24am ... Holy Jesus  :oops:

Let's check the distance with the INDISPENSABLE nav sat' from my house to the first arcade warehouse to visit  :arrow:

Opsss... 863 km to go ... 8:35 hours to drive ... without counting the Eurotunnel part   :shock:   ...gloups ...  :?

Arf, I forget to take a picture of the mileometer before leaving the house...

...but I know the true value is : 64.218km  :lol:

Ok, so 3h40 later, we arrive at the Eutotunnel.... for the 10th times  8)   :arrow:

...entering the train ... again ... again ... and again  :D


On the *famous* M20 motorway ...

Arrving at the Dartford Crossing... which allows to go round London by the south or by the north...
Traffic jam... we are stuck ... one, two, five, ten minutes without moving... oups  :twisted:
People start to get out of their vehicules... not good ...   :?

Well, we are lucky ... we have to drive only 20 meters to reach the intersection which lead to the south way... but this intersection is 20 meters behind us  :shock:  ... so carefully, and like the other vehicules behind us, I put the rear gear  :oops:  ...not easy to drive back with a such van  :oops:   :arrow:

Done  8)  Of course, the Nav Sat' has to recalculate the new route. And because of this change, it adds 40 km on the distance... but I prefere driving a little bit more than wait one hours in a traffic jam  :?

I'm happy.... the way is clear for us now...  :P  But it's not the case for the opposite vehicules  :roll:  :wink:

2 km before an exit ... traffic jam again ?

No.. it's ok  :)  ... I didn't pay attention about the high of our van   :oops: ...

But it's ok... it's only a van, not a truck  :lol:

Ok, were are now very close from the first arcade warehouse... tourist picture  :lol:  :arrow:

Hey, a Space Invaders truck... It must be there  :P

Ok, so here's for what I'm coming on this warehouse ... ladies & gentemen ... please welcome ...


Ok, it's not in a great shape... but I've to restore a such arcade icon... very hard to found, here in Europe  8)

Let's plug it... it supposed to be working... but ...  :oops:   ... it's not working ... graphics garbages on power on  :oops:  ...

OK, the seller is on the level, and also very nice... so discount of course.

On the warehouse, I see an Atari Super Bug... a cab in my 'nice to have' list  :P   :arrow:

The game should work... but it won't  :?  Well, we can hear the game running but the monitor is not working ...

...but it's ok for me ... discount ... and  I have a lot of free space in the van  :lol:

Let's load it ... so heavy  :shock:

... the Spy Hunter is also VERY heavy  :twisted:  :shock:

Let's "seal" the deal  :arrow:

OK, time to go...quick check's 15:06 uk time (the van is still set on Belgian time 16:06) :

The Nav Sat' says : 390km to drive for going to the warehouse number 2 ...   :shock:

Ok, but now... we're very hungry... and each times I'm in UK and I need to eat quick... I'm choosing BURGER KING  :oops:  :arrow:

For information, there's no Burger King in Belgium ... sad isn't it  :roll:  :lol:

Hey, I've found a great thing : DR PEPPER ZERO !!! You're very lucky in england : Arcade Classics games, Burger King ...and Dr Pepper ZERO !!!  :lol:   :arrow:

I guess I'll move to UK soon  :roll:  :wink:

Ok, no time to loose... there is a long way to go ...

4 hours later, we arrive at the arcade warehouse 2... what a pain... the road is very dangerous ... so tiny ... no light, strong curves  :shock:  ... we are crossing the Mordor  :lol:


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:: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 07:28:19 PM »
...arriving on the warehouse 2...

I'm here for a...

ZAXXON  :P  :P  :P

I know, Zaxxon is a very easy game to catch in US, but very hard to found in Europe  8) Bonus : this one is *working*

Ok, what's next ?

I'm here for a Nintendo Red Cab :


The game is not working anymore  :?
This one will be the *perfect* candidate for ... a Red Donkey Kong Cab  :P

What a *beautifull* mess  :wink:

I would stay hours here, in order to examine others arcades games here, but I know we have a long way to go back home  :( we quickly load the games ...

Hey... it's not over yet... there is a last game I have to bring back in Belgium  :roll:  :arrow:

GALAGA  :P  :P  :P

This cab needs some work, but it doesn't affraid me  8)

Let's finish to load the games  :arrow:

No need to attach games in the van. All these cabs are so heavy  :o  I'm sure they don't move at all  8)  I just have to protect the NOS Galaga with a ton of bubble wrapper.

It's now something like 10:00 or 11:00pm, and the nav sat indicates 580km to drive until our house + the eurotunnel to catch (I'm even not sure if it's possible to use the Eurotunnel during the night)  :shock:  :oops:

I can assure you I'm not tired .... can you believe it ? ... I"m ready to accomplish the challenge of driving 2000km in less than 24 hours. More than that, tonight, we gain one hour  :)  We move to the winter time... So I've 25 hours for that challenge  :lol:

...unfortunately my wife doesn't agree with that idea... and force me to found a place to sleep  :oops:

So we found a hotel on the motorway  :arrow:

Ok it's now 00:18am uk time... the hour we will gain (thanks to the winter time) will allows us to sleep one hour more  :o

Sunday, the 28th of October

Wake up ... get ready for the last part of this trip...

Let's check if all the cabs are still in the van  :)

Here's what's left...

Arriving at Folkestone... at the Eurotunnel...  :arrow:

A customs officier : "hey you, where the hell are you going to with that UK Arcade Retro Heritage ???"


This is it... the customes behind me... Impossible to stop me now  :twisted:


Arriving in Belgium...


For my archives :


It's 15h30... we are @ home  :P

This is the biggest roadtrip I've ever done : 1866km on the road + 100 km under water  :lol:

All that stuff is now... in Belgium  :P  :P  :P




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:: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 04:40:12 PM »
OK, I won't be able to unload all these toys alone, so I'm calling Burt (Galaxian 3 Theater wingman) & Cédric, a neighbour  8)

First thing to do, put the Battlezone in my arcade workshop, in my house... at the first floor  :arrow:

Ouch... so heavy...  :oops:

This is it  :D  :

Now, the Spy Hunter...

... so heavy... Impressive  :shock: heavy that even my wife help us to put it in at the first floor...  :oops:

Now, the Galaga  :P

The game has no monitor & no backdoor... easy to move then  8)

The Radarscope  :arrow: the Galaga... light  :o

In the workshop now : Battlezone, Spy Hunter & Radarscope. The Galaga is in my office, just behind me while I'm typing this  :P  :wink:

Now, the Sega's Zaxxon  :arrow:

Because we are too tired now, and also because that cab is so heavy, we'll put it inside the Nuno's Lair   :idea:

...but the game room is already full ! What to do then ? The only solution is to re-arrange games location inside the room  :arrow:

Let's put the Super Bug ...

...and the Zaxxon :

THis is it  :idea:  All the games are in... but it's now impossible to move inside the game room...  :?

Anyway, many thanks to Burt & Cédric to help me -once again- in that part of this crazy story  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  ...

...until the next one  8)  8)  8)   :roll:  :wink:

~hope you like this story~


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2007, 04:49:51 PM »
Ok, it's now official! You are plain crazy. :-)

Nice trip story. Looking forward to the next one...
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:: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2007, 09:27:14 PM »
I hear Bruno's getting truck driving lessons for the next road trip :P

I vote to keep the Radarscope original !!!!!

There's plenty of Donkey Kongs around, NO-ONE has a Radarscope !!!! :)


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:: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2007, 11:48:23 PM »
Man oh Man!


You have got to be running out of space!  From previous pictures, the lair seems awfully full.   I thought you were full with the Battlezone score, then you pull this five game extraviganza!  At this rate, I am beginning to think you have room to set up the Galaxian theater in your house.   :D



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:: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2007, 04:04:33 PM »
i say lets move the bed and the furniture out of the house tonight for the bon-fire, and then you'll have room for 3 extra cabs!!  :P


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2008, 06:44:13 PM »
I'm here for a Nintendo Red Cab :


The game is not working anymore   
This one will be the *perfect* candidate for ... a Red Donkey Kong Cab   


when you want, can you tell me the thickness of the cab and control panel? (It's right 1,6 cm?).

Probably Donkey Kong cab's it's my next contruction from scratch  8) :P

I hope ...

Now I am looking for various pieces ..  :wink:

Help me please



Galaga - PacMan - Donkey Kong Red Cab - Track & Field Upright - Tempest - Burgertime - Gyruss - Defender - Track & Field Cocktail - Robotron 2084


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2008, 07:45:29 PM »
OK, here we goes :

Side is :

... I would say 15mm

Regarding the panel :

... I would say 14mm, but this is the size for the Radarscope panel, not sure if it's the same size for the DK panel  ;)

Feel free to open a dedicated topic if ya need more informations on the cab  :wink:

Good luck for that project  :-*


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2008, 08:25:26 PM »
 :lol: :lol:

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!! Bruno,

so i can order this T-Molding from

 :arrow: 9/16" Custom made to replace Nintendo style t-molding:lol:

9/16" = 0,5625 * 2,54 = 1,42875 cm = 1,4 cm

Perfect !!! Here in Italy there Mdf of 1,4 cm  :wink:

Thanks again Bruno ....

can begin to make plans

 :pac: :ghost:


Galaga - PacMan - Donkey Kong Red Cab - Track & Field Upright - Tempest - Burgertime - Gyruss - Defender - Track & Field Cocktail - Robotron 2084


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2008, 07:52:51 AM » far...

The Galaga rises again  ;) 8)  :arrow:

The Red Nintendo is now a beautiful Red Donkey Kong  :-*  :arrow:

...three games to go for this adventure  ;) 8)


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2008, 01:17:34 PM »
Update  :)

I can now enjoy this ZAXXON  :-* :-* :-*  :arrow:

Two games to go now  8)


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 06:39:28 PM »
Wow... I was waiting for that since a long time... but ... THIS IS IT  :-*  :arrow:

YYESSS !!! The complete side art repro is now available. I already had the central graphics (which will become useless now), but here's the full thing  :-*

Thanks to THIS OLD GAMES shop  :-*

Ok, I'll start to work on my Spy Hunter soon... but I've an order to do first  ::)  :-*


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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2009, 07:02:47 PM »
I'm looking forward to seeing the restoration journal :)
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Re: :: 10th Anniversary UK Roadtrîp :: Quest for 5 Classics !!!
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2009, 07:38:38 PM »
wow! - that Radarscope sure looks nice, and if you ever want to get rid of your Indiana Jones, please say so!