Let's continue to check all the games here...
The perfect item to display on that cab
Nintendo's Playchoice-10, with the 2 monitors working.
Nintendo 'conversion kit' Mario Bros.
Let's continue the 'Nintendo invasion' with that lovely Donkey Kong :
And here's the surprise of the day... Space Pirate. First time I see & play that game. Absolutely marvelous ... One or two players, the game stays very fun & challenging. Technically, the vectors look so pure, the green glows on that screen... wow! My favorite one today, thanks Belike for bringing that one today
Hope you'll definitively fix the sound issues on it.
Hey, why the control panel is suspended like that?
Ops! it's normal... it's an Asterock. Very specific control panel model, but after few games, it becomes comfortable.
The original Pac man is ...PUCK MAN!
...and here's the boot
...and his wife, official of course
Original 'black T-molded' Galaxian :
Centipede :
I don't remember having seen this generic cabinet plugged during the day?
I played many games on that one and I can tell you there's no gameplay / display difference with mine (advance mame *powered*), except of course the magic of the real hardware running behind.
PP2, still very fun to play... but still so hard imo...
Crazy Kong! It's the version I used to play back in the days... I still have the sound of 'jumpan' when he jumps in my head : "wwweeehhaa!"
Ice Cold Beer, surprisely very fun & addictive! An excellent party game
Missile Command, not running at that moment, but fortunately working later
The perfectly working Star Wars cockpit... features the original game and the sequel "Empire strikes back", only one switch to push for changing the game
Taito cocktail playing 60in1?
Nintendo “Red Tent” multi-game (Hyperspin)
...sadly not configured for laser disc games (Yes, I'm responsible for the front end bugging, after trying to launch Space Ace... shame on me
Atari's Space Duel...
...unfortunately almost 'dead on arrival' (monitor problem)
Magical Spot II cocktail :
And the monstrous Star Wars Trilogy *arcade*
Very nice pinballs
too bad the Black Knight wasn't ready for the exhibition... and also ... no Tron Legacy pinball?