Finally, after more than 20 years, I can play again one of the most impressive game inside THE most impressive arcade game ever made by human kind.
Ladies & Gentlemen, please let me introduce you :
Galaxian³ Project Dragoon!
When I discovered for the first time the 'theater' in a game room located at the Belgium coast, it was equipped with its original mission called "Galaxian³ Project Dragoon". So during my holidays over there (1994/1995 or 1996...if my memory serves me right?), I played it like a mad man! A paly was very expensive at the time: 50BEF / 1,25€ ...but it didn't care, I played only that game!

Years & years l8ter, the Galaxian Theater was still there, but no more equipped with its original mission. It was converted into the second (and last) mission created for the Theater, 2nd mission named 'Attack Of The Zolgear", which is also very good, but not as good as THE original one : PROJECT DRAGOON!
In addition, most of the enemies inside "Project Dragoon" are the same than the ones inside STARBLADE, one of my 3 all time favorite games!
Anyway, here's in video my very first 'serious' play, right after removing the 'Zolgear' kit and replace it by the 'Dragoon' one!

see the entire Dragoon set up right here

...and the game play video :

So yes, it's now possible to play 'Project Dragoon' & 'Attack Of The Zolgear' missions sat the same place... welcome to the Nuno's Lair v
³ in Belgium!

Ok, next steps for me :
- Replace & perfectly align the projectors (the current ones are 'screen burned' as you can see on the video) : high priority
- Add a clean & non destructive setup to also play "The Rising of Gourb", which is a bonus game that is specifically created for the PlayStation port : low priority
- PLAY/LEARN/SCORE...but also SHARE THAT GAME : Ultra High Priority!!!