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Messages - kroustibat

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 41
Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Today's Score. The Real Super Monaco GP.
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:11:55 AM »
Super monaco gp :D i played a lot this version of the game in my childhood. Now i own an upright thanks to Uly !

The seat is moving , and the cabiner blow air to the driver if i remember well.

glstar got a cockpit

Artwork / Re: Power Drift side art
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:02:42 PM »
This has now been scanned, repaired and cleaned up. I will post download links when I've got the files through.

thanks !!!  :pac: :pac:

here's the alternate side art , i've on my second power drift (seems it was an upgrade kit). it'd have been already scanned if the hp 4670 i got would not have that #&#$ banding problem.

Artwork / Re: Power Drift side art
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:08:08 AM »
awesome !!! i'd be very pleased to have a scan for my power drift cab (previously Level42 one,thanks again) ! thanks

And that'll motivate me to scan , my jp artwork on my second power drift cab

Wow, SUPER clean!!!
If didn't  already own a super breakout I'd bid on that beauty. :o
It breaks my heart that this cab is still on Marktplaats  :'(

The owner wants 350e. Considering that he gives a moonwalker pcb which is worth at least 100e. it's a pretty good deal

Artwork / Re: Anyone tried this store?
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:53:15 AM »
Why am i not surprised that the guy stole artworks ...

Funily enought , during my "tense discussion" with him, he claimed he spent a lots of time cleaning and preparing his artwork ^^

Talking about thisoldgames , is there any trick to avoid taxes/toll ? :P Anything coming from usa is taxed to death in belgium -_-

Artwork / Re: Anyone tried this store?
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:01:54 PM »
yes, every one is free to buy anywhere they want.

at that time , i really dislike his attitude of flooding all second hands site and forums (he registered only for selling his shit)...
My question about the tax number was not really a concern, but just a way to end his flooding (seems that it worked).

but he was rude and i won't buy anything from him. Even expensiver , i prefer those who plays by the rules.

Artwork / Re: Anyone tried this store?
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:17:18 PM »
they don't laminate the vinyl and he doesn't have a declared shop , so he doesn't have to pay taxes (and not fair to others shops who follows the rules). That explains the lower prices.

I got a "tense" forum discussion with that guy , because i was tired of him flooding belgian forums , second hand website with loooooots of his ads (where only one post was enough). (french only).

Apparently that guy got history on arcade controls too.

'EUROCADE 2O14' / Re: >>> Retro Game Experience/Eurocade 2014 <<<
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:06:59 AM »

big thumb up for Pieter and the EC crew  :pac: :pac: :pac:

I really enjoyed my time there, the organization was top notch , and thanks to the vip party the exhibit was more enjoyable,. The retro hall was really nice. Never though i would see so many Nintendo toys in one area. And lucas arts display was great (with my all time favourite computer game : Zack mc kraken !! :P). I really enjoyed the party and meeting you guys.

favourites cabs: boot hill, Gyruss and the Japanese mini Space Invader. Lovers in dangerous space time is a great discovery (congrats sjaak the cab is great).

Thanks all

'EUROCADE 2O14' / Re: >>> Retro Game Experience/Eurocade 2014 <<<
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:26:36 PM »
can not wait to be there :)

'EUROCADE 2O14' / Re: >>> Retro Game Experience/Eurocade 2014 <<<
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:28:35 PM »
If you are on the VIP list and haven't received a PM/email please let me know ASAP.

my friend francois did'nt received the mail. I suppose there's nothing to worry about

i'd like to have the ps1 etienne thanks .

Perfect candidate to build a bashi bashi cab ^^

Its yours  ;)

heel bedankt !!  ;)

i'd like to have the ps1 etienne thanks .

Perfect candidate to build a bashi bashi cab ^^

i know someone who might be interested by the paperboy

I know someone who is selling a Daytona Twin Krousti, I'll e-mail him for pics and price.

thanks Andre !

My turn :)
MVS kits :
- Samurai shodown 3: fullkit with matching box
- Super sidekick 3 : fullkit with matching box
- Mortal kombat 3 marquee and cpo (would trade for mk 1 marquee and cpo)
-[EDITED] NOS RS232 kit for Fluke 9010

- Simpsons 4 player cpo
- UMK3 security chip
- Mortal kombat 1 marquee and cpo
- an 60 in 1

just for fun :P cabs i'm really looking for :
- Daytona twin
- Point blank ( hint hint  Psykick ;) )

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