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Messages - kroustibat

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 41
Hello all,

The plexiglas control panel plate of my The Invaders has massive cigarettes burns. Looking of a spare or repro to replace it.

Thanks in advance

Nice to see a new Roardtrip report like the good old times ! Thanks Nuno !

And better , that announce a restoration ;)

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: The Zaccaria WWW Picture Archive 2021
« on: January 03, 2022, 06:43:49 PM »
great to keep a diary like that

About the pal reader, it seems to be the pcb i 'poorly' designed from Charles McDonald
you'll find all informations

cheers pascal

Arcade Lifestyle / 9lc compiler for Fluke 9010 ported to x64 Windows
« on: January 15, 2021, 11:50:46 AM »
Hello all,

I know several people here have a fuke9010a. I got mine and pods thanks to this forum (thanks Andre & Andy), so this might come useful

I embedded the 9lc compiler in a dosbox executable , so you can run it on an 64bits windows. Just copy the new 9lc.exe files downloaded in your Fide/internals folder with the others dll. I'll post the sources on my github  , i used the same code than i used for SNASM68K. ( cheers
Get the files here :!AiVApOYLzti6lS5kT1vRt2obPNmK


All the rest / Re: Happy new year
« on: January 02, 2021, 10:48:13 AM »
Happy new year,

hope everyone is ok, and love this forum and it's amazing audience and happy i was there during its prime.


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB SEGA Crazy Taxi
« on: April 03, 2019, 08:31:08 AM »
never tried High roller but being a fan of the Offsprings  , CT1 is the best choice for me :P

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB SEGA Crazy Taxi
« on: April 02, 2019, 01:04:23 PM »
congrats ! it's a cool game . and the last entry in my GR too ;)

Crazy taxi 1 or high roller ? :P

All the rest / Re: miss the old days
« on: February 21, 2019, 08:34:49 AM »
yeeah !

All the rest / miss the old days
« on: February 18, 2019, 01:12:29 PM »
The other day , i was watching Teen Titans Go with my kids , and one is about Metal. Just by looking at the green one (beast boy), i immediately thought about PunkRockCaveman...

i turned 42 and thought about Level42...

heard the name X....r (privacy censoring :P) , and thougth about Etienne..

Miss all Uly surgical wip and Chris jokes...

greetings all (i'm getting old , i'm rambling :P)

All the rest / Re: Happy Holidays :-)
« on: December 25, 2018, 12:40:53 PM »
still arround here :P
best wishes to all

Galaxian Theater / Re: ## Road Trip ## GALAXIAN THEATER from NAMCO !!!
« on: December 22, 2018, 10:46:45 AM »
the only place i'd see it, would be a museum like zoetermeer

Nuno , drop the bomb and vanish!! we need to knooooooow ;)

Hello Andre,

Few times ago, i was wondering if that 9100 was part of your bulk sale, i got my answer :D

i don't want it to be butchered as i saw a midway space invaders with lcd and 2x 6 buttons :<

Atari Xybots in Liege (belgium) near Maastricht & Aachen

I'm the seller, be free to ask anything if interested :P

All the rest / Re: Happy Bday Chris and Punkrock
« on: May 24, 2018, 04:53:30 PM »
Happy bday to both of you !

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