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Messages - kroustibat

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i've passed on all your requests to rav, but as i'Ve said before: communication with him is very slow. i'll keep you posted!

thanks aswell :D

All the rest / Re: Hi from liege Belgium
« on: April 21, 2010, 01:18:57 PM »
thanks all :)

here's pics of my power drift
screen is dead, pcb seems dead  (giving weird mix of all samples when i start it)  you can hear it on this video, i shooted:

All the rest / Hi from liege Belgium
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:36:24 AM »
Hello all,

I'm pascal from liège (belgium), arcade fan off course. I'm a sega maniac , spend lots of time on outrun, shinobi, super monaco gp , power drift cabs. In my childhood, i was waiting eagerly for the yearly fun fair with all their classic arcade games fiesta ^^ I was not even riding any rides. i was there for arcades :) Unfortunatly those arcade are long gone.

i've been following this forum and website for a long time, so now that i just have moved in my new house , i can start collecting some cabs with the blessing of my wife ;) I've started a wip on a upright power drift (not working unfortunenatly).



great idea and generous offer Superully ;)

i'm from liege and i know a pal who might be interested in a Marble madness, Outrun or a SI cab if you still have room. What would be the price ? thanks

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