went to the electronician elder shop. he got me all the necessary things.. but except the tlp511ga... must order them on ebay china i guess later (~1,5€ piece + 3,20€ shipping quote, will be ~10€ for the package)..
forgot to take them from him

.. on the road i got the "black snubbers" elsewhere shop in suburbs, there are not so large from the modern versions, it's not so necessary did he say, it's kind of anti-parasites filter. was around ~5€ for 4.
had hard times this afternoon to replace all the capacitors/resistors

bad desolder problems, had to drill with care for the old holes.. and i dont know yet for the 8 "bigger" resistors, there were 2 kinds.. i didnt ask clearly him.. so i have a 50/50% luck to solder the good 2 kind of newer ones....

. did apply iron coat solder to all that i could resolder/refresh... including an iron coat to the old tlp511ga..
tomorrow will see if anything gets better or worse.... then try check the voltage information of the biggers resistors and compare with my new ones before resolder.. that makes some further tests/chances.. again..

(remember someone told that in just changing the 4 resistors near the connector.. all went ok again.. weird but.. well weird hell sega..