Author Topic: I'm building my personal Gaming Room...  (Read 1063301 times)


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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2005, 07:49:56 PM »
Args  :? SPiderS :(

Ok, now the room have to clean clean...

Now, I'll close for this project that trap ...

... a last check  :idea:  :idea:  :idea:

... nothing, ok I'll close that access for the moment...


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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2005, 07:55:01 PM »
18th of october

The Carpet RoadTrip
 :D  :D  :D

Yeah  :twisted:  The carpet is now located inside the room  :D


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« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2005, 09:16:59 PM »
Well, it's time to select the right color for the wall ... :roll:

The 'A' should be fine  :P

But first, I'll apply the primary layer :


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« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2005, 09:20:39 PM »
28th of october

My next car should be a truck  :?

...two travels for bringing back the OSB from the shop  :


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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2005, 09:29:38 PM »
... and now, here's is the true color for my gaming room :

29th of october

I want to be sure that the color used will stay for a long; so I'll apply a third layer of the 'Jamaican Ginger III"  :D

I've to correct these pieces of wood...


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« Reply #35 on: November 07, 2005, 08:38:03 PM »
GO for the isolation... and the OSB floor  :arrow:

I'm using strong woodglue between each  plates


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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2005, 09:02:50 PM »
... close to the end  :P

Argh... so close... and I have not more plates left  :? I'm too bad in arithmetic  :oops:

Well, go back to the shop... and no more plates left  :shock:  So I choose another model...  8)

Ok, it fits with the other plates, but with  few adaptations ( 8) thanks to my routers )

... preparing the last piece of the puzzle  :arrow:

...and ...



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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2005, 07:08:31 PM »
Next step  :arrow:  Installation of the carpet  :P

Here we go :

First problem :  the width of the carpet is larger than room so ...

... the first step is to reduce it width like this :

I deploy the carpet on the ground... :?

I was alone for that step :?  

:arrow:  An advice... don't do it alone... that kind of carpet is heavy  :oops:

... now it's applied  8)

The carpet is not fixed, and and cutted.. I'll let it few days in that status... It needs to get the himidity of the room ...


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« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2005, 08:24:44 PM »
...few day later, the carpet is now ready to be cuted and fixed.

So, here's my method  :arrow:

I fold  half of the fitted carpet like this :

I use double sided sticker :

...and I pull back the half carpet on the stickers.

Here's how I'm cutting the carpet :

general view...  :roll:

Yeah baby Yeah  8)  Here's Sam, a friend of mine... who''ll help me a little  :P

Here's my method to avoid 'air bubbles' during the 'carpet deployment operation'  :roll:  :arrow:

To be UNDER the carpet, and to use feet to push it slowly ... like this ...  :arrow:

...same situation...

...Sam's turn  :roll:

Et voilà  :arrow:

The job is done  :D

Ok Sam, the starprize tonight is  :arrow:

FREE PLAY on my arcade games  :P  :P  :P  :wink:

Stay tuned



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« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2005, 08:33:59 PM »
Still a little piece of carpet to fix...  :roll:

Done   :P


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« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2005, 08:41:30 PM »
I got this  oil flled radiator :

... let's clean the room ...


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« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2005, 08:54:27 PM »
... and now, go for the fixing of the plinths  :arrow:

Here's what I need : plinths & power glue :

cut for corner...

... applying the glue...

... this time it's an easy job   :roll:  :o

enjoy  8)

Stay Tuned  :roll:


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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2005, 08:49:08 PM »

Now, let's finish the window's finition :

And now, the REAL window's finition :


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« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2005, 09:04:13 PM »

The end is near... near

 :P  :P  :P  :P  8)


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I'm building my personal Gaming Room...
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2005, 10:52:46 PM »
24th of november 2005 :

After more than 6 month, It's time to get the games out of the house  8)  8)

It's cold this evening... but anyway the job must be done  :roll:  8)

The first to move on is the AB Cop...

... now outside  :oops:

Here's the Burt, my wingman  :lol:

I'm using pieces of unused carpet to protect the true one...

Let's continue with the Xevious :

Thanks also to Hervé, the second wingman of the day  :D

Now, THE game... The FAMOUS one... Dragon's Lair  :)  :)  :)

We have to be carefull with this one... heavy  :oops:  :?

Now close to its new Lair...  :lol:  Thanks guy ...

Ok, the next to come are upstairs...  :roll:

First, remove the door  :oops:

The NBA JAM is huge...  :evil:

Let's be carefull in the stairs...

Now, the TRON  :arrow:

Once again, thanks to Burt & Hervé for their precious help... you rock men 8)  8)  8)

Stay tuned for the next one... especially the monster called 'STARBLADE'