Hi Bruno, hi all there.
I haven't posted anything here for a long time, so I take the opportunity to do so as I will be home for a month or so due to knee surgery.
A couple of years ago I came up with what we call "the 50-years-old crisis" which led me to want to expand my small gameroom.
- First I fixed my 2007 Dragon's Lair - repro with new and better artworks and including a frontend in which to choose all the "moves-based" arcade laserdisc games emulated by Daphne and Singe.
- I then also rearranged the PC inside my "2001: A Space Odissey" 's Monolith multigame cabinet in order to have, in addition to the GroovyMame, also the Sega Model2 and all the arcade laserdisc games emulated so far, including the ALG, FireFox, Freedom Fighter, etc...
- I then built an Atari Quantum - repro, with vertical monitor and with control panel adapted for 2 players + trackball to be able to enjoy all those fantastic games of the Arcade Bronze & Golden Era.
[all the cabinets mentioned are equipped with PC QuadCore + ATI Radeon + CRT Emudriver> 15khz and 20" CRT Color TV auto-on modded]
- I recently restored a Space Invaders Midway in medium / bad condition ... after having peeled off all the "rotten" parts, redone the bottom, rebuilt all the missing parts and filled practically everything else, I completed everything, considering I have a very tight budget, with cheap electronics (a 20" Color TV, a 60-in-1-vertical board, Jamma-3 harness and a generic PSU) and adhesive vinyl.
- In the meantime I have also built several other "little things" on commission ...
> three "midi-cabinets", in 1.1: 5 "kickpanel-free" scale: "Defender", "Robotron" and a "Williams-Multigame", all with 14" Hantarex CRT and "19-in-1-horizontal board;
> a Dragon's Lair - repro (in the end result even better than mine) with a 20" CRT color TV, Arthur + Dexter inside;
> a "Street Fighter II C.E." type stand-alone ControlPanel with an additional trackball module;
> a gigantic "table-top" (absolutely non-portable... but oh, they wanted it that way...) with a 20 "CRT screen, PC with Groovymame.
- I also rebuilt the electrical plant of my small gameroom in order to have a dedicated line, UV LED lighting and fluo painting on the joints of the tiles to have the fluo/blue glow effect, which is very "80's".
Not having enough space here, I uploaded around 150 pics and clips in "AmazonPhotos" at this link: