ALS'/DLF' : your daily dose of Arcade Life Style...inside the Dragon's Lair!
About that door, I assume its the outside facing one. I can't see any hinges on it! Does it swing to the outside!?? (Typically in homes, external doors swing inward, also more secure - people can't pop the hinges and break in)
Yes, my wife is helping me
Looks like there might be a pause on this thread while G3 is put together... Just in case you don't already know, go to Galaxian Theatre Thread.
I notice that the color theme is pretty in line with the Galaxian 3 theatre's. Excellent selection of colors.
Well, because most of the Galaxian3 Theater6 parts are assembled, I can start to re arrange all my games in the different 'area'.So, sneak preview in the V2 room...All the honors to the 'Bluth Trilogy' first!
Hmm... that picture on the screen of an Atari DL doesn't look right, unless you're running my EuroDL conversion with attract mode sound OFF Matteo