PC Engines range of models is a real mess...
JP version
PC Engine,
CoreGrafX II
First is white and then becomes anthracite black.
first output video with antenna RF. The others composite.
These plays japanese Hu card.
1989 :
enhanced version of pc engine with a bunch of dedicated games (7 games)
it remains compatible with hu card.
PC-Engine Duo, Duo R, Duo RX :
http://www.grospixels.com/site/images/nec/pcengineduo.jpgPC engine with cd rom.
Only slight differences between them (Duo is black, Duo R is white, RX comes with 6 button pad)
Can read obviously Hu card and CD rom2 games.
US Version
TurboGrafx - For US market

dedicated Hucard, not compatible with JP version.
It also exists TurboGrafx CD rom version, there's a crual lack of game.
Main problem with PC engine is their composite output.
In France the importator (sodipeng) did RGB modification for the inner market.
The RGB cable also included a RGB signals amplifier before arriving on scart.
Sodipeng is then a de facto DIN pinout standard.
Some models can be found on ebay with similar modifications.
CD Rom can be burnt CD-R.
I did buy the everdrive mentioned before. Works as it should.
I own a Duo RX version (from last year). It is RGB modded but also has a US/JP HU card switch.
it comes from
http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=doujindanceI didn't buy to him, I am the second owner after.
I also can't garantee trust with this seller.
RGB Mod :

SoDiPeng cable (with RGB amplifier) :

You can also buy some tool that allows RGB output without modding :
or tools and parts :
http://www.otakus-store.net/en/9-modding-kithttp://www.otakus-store.net/en/home/11-rgb-nec-modding-kit-for-pc-engine.htmlI hope it helps...