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Topics - funkycochise

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Hi there,

I've just falled on this :

It's a homebrew sequel to the classic of 1984 available on the 8bits computer of that time.
graphics, sounds and music are completely in the legacy of its ancestor.
I played with it for more than 2 hours today with this.
Difficulty is like the one of 1984 : really hard but there's an infinite lives mode (thank god!)

Some gfx were enhanced like the enemies : ninja is more coloured, sumo isn't there anymore,
but there is clones of the enemy featuring in 'enter the dragon' movie :
*Williams character, played by Jim Kelly (who just died 2 weeks ago)
He's the black karateka with that funky blaxploitation touch
*O'Hara, played by Robert Wall.
He's the white evil one who kills his opponent.

In fact, I think also that this character has a kind of "chuck norris" touch  :lol:

tips : play with keyboard and remap the keys like in 1985:
up, down, left, right and punch/kick (A,Q,O,P,Space)
< and > keys like the amstrad CPC isn't convenient anymore :D

Really great work, so good to play such brilliant game

Arcade Lifestyle / [RT] Pole Position
« on: October 23, 2010, 09:57:09 AM »

Road trip about to begin...
see you later...


It's automn, without nay doubt, weather doesn't seem to be with us today :

We're on 2010, october the 23rd. It's about 10 o'clock, ready for action.  :-*

Go ahead to catch my partner for this road trip, like last time, it's "Une ombre noire." (a black shadow).

half an hour later, i'm on Ronald's parking to pick him up :

Another 1/2h later, time for lunch, so that we can forget about this.

I know "Ombre" was a juge Mayonnaise fan, but not at that point...

We're now ready for the afternoon, time for new adventures :

Really cool, weather is gonna be nicer as we drive. We reach the "Vosges" and the weather is really sunny.

So far we're almost blind because of the sun  ;D :

Driving with that weather in such beautiful automn colored montain lanscape is a real pleasure.

During our way we follow some strange vehicules...

We reach the round point of the "wee-wee" pause :

Damned, I've been caught by the patrol

Ad time for our sponsor :

And we're back on track :

We aren't that far now, and overall it will even be faster as a new road is now open.
We couldn't take it 2 weeks ago. We will earn 10 or 15 minutes easliy.
My GPS is now completily lost.

We are now arrived. "Carotte" already prepared some nice goodies for the goal of this road trip.
A spare bezel and user and technical documentations about the pole position cabinet

As usual, we decide to throw away the boring business : loading the cab in the car :

Pole position cab is a bigger cab that the space invaders is. It's a bit tricky to load.

Pfff, The door is closed, it's the most important. Notice the custom small wheels, as an attemps to make the cab self moving :

Now that everything is over before we go, We have some time to spend in the "kitchen garden of the Carott" :
Here the workshop, in an almost panoramic view :

Heyyyyy, wait a minute, You won't pass over the "discs of tron" cab like you did last time ?
No, no, here are some additional pictures (unfortunately we did not move the cab :

Let's go now in the game room :

close to the door,

a nice small Sega Aero City and a classic sega naomi universal cabinet.

Reste of the row featuring a sega rally upright and a hang-on upright cab :

At the end of the row, you find a lost world cab and a super hang-on deluxe :

near you have a  sega touring car twin :

We finish this corner with a Library full of pcbs of all kind (almost only 80ies classics)
Really impressive

What can you find on the other side of the entrance door ?

pac mania and rolling thunder...

blasteroid and roadblaster...

Rampage and creatures of the black lagoon (straight in front of it)

Is it enough for you ? What about the middle of the room :

A babyfoot (don't know the name outside France) with a cult "New Look" magazine from 1982 found in a Space Invaders cabinet :  :D
this kind of magazine are for male audience only. It includes some X-rated pictiures but not porn. It was famous during the 80ies
as famous people were posing naked for the magazine  ;D

Un massive sega thunder blade :

And a amazing out run deluxe with its galaxian cocktail :

Last time we came, we were frustrated as the speed gear was blocked in hi position, so that we couldn't reach the check points  >:(

This time, as we had some time to spend, "Ombre" replace the broken switch :

Small video  starring "une ombre noire"

Oh, we already have to go, we have some road to drive, do let's go :

Few hours later, we're almost arrived :

Welcome committee :

Pictures of the beast :

Thanks to all the people involved that made this road trip possible
Ombre, aganim, carotte, miss carotte (Lovely cookies) et all his family.

I hope this time there will be enough pictures  8)

Arcade Lifestyle / [WIP] Midway space invaders
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:50:10 AM »
Two weeks ago, during the roadtrip, I was gone to pick up a Space Invaders witch landed in 'aganim' house for some vacation.
It was then time for me to bring this back in the field.

1. Cabinet surgery

At the time of the roadtrip, I couldn't linger and dig deeper about the cabinet condition and running state.
So let's start with that today :

 ??? don't believe the pictures, the cab isn't outside but inside a veranda.

Cabinet is really in good shape and conditions :

The cpo is what is in the most damaged (if I could use this word) :  
You can't clearly see on the picture, but the letters are well erased.

Pffff, not even 56000 credits :

Screen chassis, also in good conditions (despite 20 years old dry spiders liying around) :

Unlocking the cpo, locks are a bit rusted, but they're still working well :
Panel buttons are all there and seem to be working.

The Power Supply, including its huge capacitors :

The AC Transformer and the game pcb :
Interesting, there are
intéressant, il a des réglage de windings for 220, 230 et 240 V
In 1978, we were using 220V, maybe I could make some solder to fits current Voltage values.

On the pcb side, I did some research, in my current theoretic limits.
The day of the road trip, I got Two pcbs.
One named "space invaders" and this one, in the cab, named "space walk".

"Carotte", the previous owner, thought was a "Space Invaders" Bootleg.
But it isn't.
"Space walk" is also a midway game of the "Space Invaders" time, based on the same Intel 8080A harware, exactly like "space invaders".

As "Spacewalk" pcb was keeped in the cab, I was only with the "Space Invaders" pcbs to try to go a bit forward.

Intel 8080A based hardware has 8 proms locations on its mainboard.
But on my pcbs, there are only 4 proms. So I first tought there was some missing chips.
Using Mame for my search, I noticed that "Space Walk" was using those 8 proms (from A to H)
Z:\Mame\mame>mame spacwalk
ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run.

Whereas "Space Invaders" was only using 4 :
Z:\Mame\mame>mame invaders
invaders.h NOT FOUND
invaders.g NOT FOUND
invaders.f NOT FOUND
invaders.e NOT FOUND
ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run.

By pure chance, it's the one locatred on my pcbs. So it seems complete.

So, if as I presume, "Space Walk" became "Space invaders", I should find 4 proms on the "spacewalk" pcbs instead of the original 8.

And this afternoon, without surprise, I've found 4 proms on the main board, and written on the pcb label
the "Walk"  is  crossed with a red pen, with splendidi "Invaders" handwritten above it.  :D

Okay, this pcb story is fun, but what is still actually working  ?

Three good news with this picture :
- The PSU is working
- The Screen chassis is working (nice bright picture)
- The video part of the pcb is working : nice standstill colored garbage pictture  :P

For the curious ones, Here is how it looks like in the mirror :

That's all for today. I'm gone with all the removable parts (except the pcbs), for full cleaning.

Sorry, I didn't take pictures of the stars sky nor the moon : it was a real pain to remove it, as I didn't know how the sky was tied.
But they're all in good shape, like the rest of the cab.  ;)

By the way, I said the cab was complete in the beginning. It's not completly true.
The back door is missing and also the keylocks.
I will have to build a new door.

See you.

edit :
update from yesterday :

Swimming pool for the masses...

Arcade Lifestyle / David Vincent has seen them. Soon, I will too
« on: September 25, 2010, 10:17:09 AM »

Ready to go :

the roadtrip :

We were agree, with "Une ombre noire", my partner in this roadtrip to meet each other in the town of "Metz", which is located in the middle of the way to our homes.
As we don't have that many kilometers to drive, I gave rendez-vous at the end of the morning, in front a famous US restaurant (if we can named them like that).
Strange days where people prefer to meet in front of such fastfood because everybody know where they are.  :-\

We said 11h00 AM, we're on time.

We begin this roadtrip under a cloudy weather, with sparse light rains all over the way.
We have for about 2h and a half.

As we come back to Nancy to fill the fuel tank, we enjoy a meal the time we are stopping.
shortly after, we're back on track :

It's been a few hour since I 'm driving, listening to electro beats. I need a small technical pause.

Of course, my partner in crime caught me while I was going back from the bushs :

It's nice to wander, but we still have 1/2h to drive. We have to go !
Strange, in that era, GPS is going a bit crazy :

Will we reach our destination ?
Looking for our way...

Swiss direction, good way :

The end was a lot easier, phone to the seller and we are in front of  "superCarotte" home.
We are welcome as kings by "superCarotte" and "Maldoror" come for the occasion to meet us.
Soon arrived, soon dropped in the subject of the day :

I always dreamed to do so !
ghots hands are those from of "Super carotte", jocking behind me.
By the way, curious eyes would have noticed a wonderfull "discs of tron"
in perfect shape : incredible !

So, we are here not only to have fun, we need to finish the boring job first : let's load the old granny :

We need to upper the bottom of the cab to load it straight position on the floor of the car.
Thank god we have loading experts with us  :-*

And here we are, space invaders, ready to go.
Small welcomed bonus, an additional "spacewalk" spare pcb. We will take care when we unload.

After such efforts, we need some rest :
As usual, i'm the only one to drink a beer :

Super carotte cuting chocolate cake for us.

Maldoror, very proud with his nice "toaplan" t-shirt

Unfortunately, we didn't thought to take pictures while we were in the "Super Carotte" gaming room.
This didn't prevent us enjoying playing games on all those present there.
Special mention to the out run deluxe and the super hang on deluxe.
A game room in the making, but already very impressive for its machines and also for its classic pcbs.

As we are enough, "super carotte" asked us to move some big cab parts, such as this daytona deluxe.

later, in the garage :

on the right, the hidden cab for the next roadtrip on the list

It's now time for us to go back hom, we thanked "Super Carotte" for his warm welcome, It's really nice to put Faces on usual board members.
Thanks also to maldoror for his kindness and his help.

Way back home was without any trouble, even if my partner always try to do some indecent proposals

"In french, "charmes" means erotic appeal.

Arrived at destination, unloading was a much more easier than loading..
Small picture of the cab in its provisional # neighborhood :

Works better with the flash at that hour :

Thanks to all the people involved in the making of this road trip.
and also thank you for reading.

roadtrip dedicated to Remy aganim, who is reading us from his hospital bed.
hope to see you soon walking again.

Arcade Lifestyle / Tron goodies
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:58:47 PM »
For the forcoming arrival of tron legacy in theater, and of course a game coming along with
Some goodies will be edited for something around 40€ :

Arcade Lifestyle / TV report, 30 years of arcade
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:51:33 PM »
warning, it's in french, no subtitles, sorry.
quite complete and interseting with lots of japan shootings.
even vintage's ones.


A small topic on this if you're gonna come around this place.

To see what is inside, a small virtual trip into the exposition (skip the french interview) :

There 2 interesting parts, the console and the computer parts.
So as the reporter say in his conclusion :
in fact it's more an "hardware" museum with some true rare pieces (ie : brown box) than a "video game" museum.

Addtional picture of opening event in  Mr Riddler's Blog :

imho : Aim of the project is great, but is it worth the price to pay to see that ?

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