DLF forumites are welcome to attend this great first-time event
It's still in mid-planning stages but this is the current state of things. If you want to know more then please visit the J+ or UK-VAC forums where there are active threads being simultaneously updated.
http://www.jammaplus.co.uk/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=62275&PID=611147http://www.ukvac.com/forum/arcade-repair-event-arcaid_topic339057.htmlVolunteers for talks, repairing the museums's cabs or manning the PCB workshop will be greatly received!
Event: 'Arc-aid: Cambridge'
Confirmed venue: Cambridge Computer Museum
http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/pages/14512/Cambridge-Computer-Museum/Date: 12th July (free rollover to 13th July for those who want to continue on)
Cost: £5 online or £7 on door (exclusive discount code: 'tempest' - do not share this)
Purchase a ticket here:
- Repair museum's cabs! Here are a few:
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.859418467407129.1073741858.340735679275413&type=1- Play museum's working cabs and others (inc. pins) that are brought along by attendees
- Organised arcade-centric talks by forum members
- PCB repair workshop (register and bring a PCB - maybe you'll learn how to fix it yourself!)
- 100's of retro consoles to play and read about in the museum
- Exclusive museum access for forum members all evening until midnight!
- Buy / Sell / Trade
1) Jason Fitzpartick - All about the museum.
2) Still available
3) Still available
4) Still available