'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / For sale 4 cocktail tables and a Beast busters * prices reduced*
« on: October 17, 2013, 12:35:29 PM »
Hello there!
I have 4 cocktail tables for sale. The have been in storage for 3 years now and its time to let them go. I just do not have any room left in combination whit my other hobby's
Since pictures say more then a thousand words here are 33 from the time i put them in storage. Not all the pictures are great but that was because i did not have en of space to make better ones
If you have any questions post them here ore send me a pm i can make more pictures ore check things if you are interested.
I also have a electrocoin beastbusters for sale
i do not have real pictures of the cabinet at this moment but i can make some if there is any interest. Its complete but the monitor is broken. You get a replacement Grundig tv whit it so you can make it complete again.
I have 4 cocktail tables for sale. The have been in storage for 3 years now and its time to let them go. I just do not have any room left in combination whit my other hobby's
Since pictures say more then a thousand words here are 33 from the time i put them in storage. Not all the pictures are great but that was because i did not have en of space to make better ones
If you have any questions post them here ore send me a pm i can make more pictures ore check things if you are interested.
I also have a electrocoin beastbusters for sale
i do not have real pictures of the cabinet at this moment but i can make some if there is any interest. Its complete but the monitor is broken. You get a replacement Grundig tv whit it so you can make it complete again.