Back on the 1st of July 2012 ... an ordinary Sunday, during the UEFA Euro 2012.
Finally found one game, still in my 'must have' list... not a rare one, but whatever, it's a special one for me...and very close to my house.
Road trip time!
As I said, it's very close to me... so, no need the nav. car this time, and it's broken anyway


no need 'survival kit' or anything special for this road trip, it's 'around the corner'...oh well, please excuse my Dr Pepper Zero!

It's time to go... If I wanna be back for the football match this evening!

To clarify, I'm not a huge football fan, but hey... it's the EURO, let's make an exception!

Damn! no money on my pockets! Sometime it's a real pain to live in a little village where there's no shop, no post office, no bakery, no restaurant... nothing at all!
So, no other choice than going to the nearest town and lose some precious time...

...what a pain...

...just for having some money in my pocket...

After losing time for nothing, I can -at last- start to drive to the destination...

Fortunately, it's really close from my house... I'm sure I spent more time just to withdraw €€€ than driving until here...

But here we are... I know well the seller (already done some 'business' with him during this
road trip for my After Burner 2).
He uses to contact me when he got some dedicated cabinet that may interest me...

So, what we have here today?
Some Naomi, and ... a huge Mad Dog McCree!

Mostly generic cabinets, but also few Neo Geo ...

Wow, a very old one! Exidy's Crash

Can you name that control panel?

And what about this row of cabinets? Looks interesting... check it out!

Never seen that ...'console pod' before? Well, it's not a 'console pod' because inside there is a 'special' Nintendo board, probably slightly different than the Super Nintendo for market. It uses special SNES cartridges, not the one we use for the home model? Interesting!

There is also an Atari System One (playing RB), but today... I'm here for a game I really love :

This cabinet is very special : It's the one I played more then 20 years ago in a pub!
Listen, I'm not talking about just the game, I'm talking about that cabinet itself!
Yes, it's precisely on that one I putted my hands on, to play it! The seller got a lot of games from the operator who 'operated' games in the pub I used to go when I was kid! That Assault cabinet is coming from that operator.
The seller, who lives in the same area than me also remember playing Assault on that precise pub (named 'Le strass' in the CORA shopping center). He know well the operator who confirmed him it's the only Assault cabinet he had, and that one was operated in that pub... so HELL YEAH!!! I cannot be more happy! To find back the exact cabinet I used to play!
It's the second time it happens for me... the other 'game' is ... my Galaxian Theater!
So the game is supposed to work, but the power cable is cut, the game very dirty inside... I trust the seller, price is ok, so no time to lose (remember, there is a match to follow this evening

)... loading time!

Very good condition as you can see

The usual 'I cannot believe that cabinet is now inside my car' picture

It's too l8te to prepare dinner... quick! Quick! ...

..and I'm just in time...

...for the match!

Sorry baby, buy you'll have to sleep in that car until tomorrow

Oh yeah, only 2h29min / 70km ... easy & lazy, but definitively worth it!

Scene from the past, somewhere in a pub, early in the 90s'
Marty to Bruno (playing on an Assault cabinet) : "One day you'll own that cabinet at home... Believe me!"
Bruno : "Are you joking!? Yeah! Yeah! ...and I'm sure I'll also have a Galaxian Theater?! Now let me play my game quietly..."