In japan, Galaxian
is a real cult game : See the *amazing* story of Ikke and his friends and this beautiful GT-6 machine of course
Note : the original story is in Japanese, but here's a quick resume of it (Ikke, Tom#2-JP & friends, please correct me If I'm wrong
The original story in japanese is available right
Few words from
Ikke first : "
We and our friends are No.1 Galaxian3 fan group in Japan since 1993. My group own Galaxian3 Theater since 1995, We assembled it in April, 2008. There are one group who have GT-6 besides us. We own Zolgear Mission Upgrade, and sometimes plays it."
14 April 2008It'll be in this local :
Some guys are already working :
All the team is here : approx 25 persons
The structure for the screen is done :
The three boxes of boards :
The six parts from the projection screen to assemble. Beware the colors on them ... all are different
Assembled !
The grid under the screen :
The front/down part of the screen...who is also a decoration :
The players seats :
The next day (?)We are enough to lift the big parts of the theater :
...brainstorming... who to proceed now
The projectors will be fixed in this part :
The part 'GATE1' is on location :
...and the 'GATE2' too
The main structure is almost assembled :
General view :
Caution : don't mix the wires here
The main structure is done now :
Some adjustments need to be done here :
This part of the Theater is ok now. Let's work on the sides
We works on both sides of the theater... one item from the left side, then from the right, and so on
Now the electronics & wiring parts :
The decorations can be set now.
Let's set the projectors...
Wrong colors because bad wiring
Let's set the alignment between the two projectors
We working until having the right alignment between the 2 projectors before watching the game running
Plug the game... and
GALAXIAN3 finally on the screen
At this moment, all the people want to see it working
The 'Galaxian
Some adjustments have to be done... let's see what happens :
Problems fixed... be ready for the first 'fly'
This it it
One word to all that team who worked so hard on that theater :
CONGRATULATIONMany thanks for sharing this story
I hope you'll add some comments here
Can I come to japan in order to see it (and play it) with my own eyes please and -most important- meet true crazy Galaxian3 fans like you