This is it... after the 'badtrip' done with Pat few weeks ago for a Sega Touring Cars (see
here) ... we finally found *THE* racing game from Sega
Ladies & Gentlemen... let's go for a SCUD RACE twin cab...

...OK, well... the game is in UK ... so ?
Not a big problem, because I've a game to pick up in UK too... not as big as the Scud... hopefully

... I've to pick up an APB by Atari

So let's combine the roadtrip, would you

It's friday, the 24rd of August... it's 5:38am

...usual roadtrip stuff ...

I've to drive about 30km to reach the Pat's house. He is already waiting for me.
Have a look at the van choosen to 'eat' a Scud Race twin & an APB
Regarding the size of both games... it should fits the van ... Let's cross the fingers
C.AR.P.E.D.I.E.M. !!!

...usual roadtrip tools ...
STAGE 1 : Aim for the Scud !Ok, have a look a the first travel do to

Van's counter reset

... Pat has his own food... he's not really ready to taste such things yet

...on the road again... again

Pat doesn't want to drive in UK, so he's driving until
Calais ...

He's discovering the EuroTunnel for the first time :

...a very easy procedure...

Ok, because we are a little bit early... let's take few pictures of us
Darth Nuno

and Pat'

...inside Le Shuttle ...

...and welcome in UK ... I'm the driver now

Very easy to drive until the first seller... thanks to the Navigation Car System (impossible to use a paper map anymore


Here's the twin monster

Very good condition as you can see

Let's try the game... everything is fine, except one thing : we cannot hear the motor sound on the first cabinet

Well, it should be an easy fix ...

Let's load it ...

This is *the moment* ... we are not sure if we can load such beast into that van... cross the fingers...

mmmmhhhhppffff ... not easy ... but hopefuly possible

The cab #2 ... same way ...

Let's protect the sides :idea:

Nice seller by the way

OK, now all the Scud Race parts are inside the van... but where to put the APB


STAGE 2 : POLICE ACADEMY (APB inside)!Let's drive to the seller #2

I agree with you ... the van seems to be full... but there is hope
This is the first time for Pat to be so far of his family

He's calling his wife to tell her everything is fine 'til now

...I already cross that bridge (see
the Heavy Metal Roadtrip) : other kind of collectors

OK... here's the 'seller #2'

...and the APB , both waiting for us

The seller is collecting arcade games, but he'll leave UK for the USA in few days... and he'll bring few cab with him ... already in the 'move box'

Check this very cool Galaga... bye bye UK ... welcome USA

Let prepare the van ...

... and hope we can load the APB

Great !!! it fits... ok, we had to push very hard... but it's inside now

...I'm gonna bring back a UK spider in Belgium ... have a look a this monster inside the APB

After loading the APB, Pat has to get out of that van ... we didn't help him ... we were watching him, trying to get out

...Very funny

"If you want to be a part of the Arcade History... then you've to pay the price" Billy Mitchell [in the King Of Kong movie]

A last picture from Pat & I :

Time to leave UK for Belgium ... a big trip to go back home

...[on the radio] Sweet Home Alabama ...

...inside Le Shuttle... once again... I'm calling my wife too : "Don't worry, I'm only bringing back one more small cab... no no... the Scud Race twin is not for me..."

Thanks to that fabulous machine... we can stole games in UK

...and finally, here are @ home

To come... unloading the games ... StAy TUnEd