It's a dream comes true... Even in my best dreams I can't imagine to own a Computer Space cab one day

It's the Holy of the Holy for all Arcade collectors
...but the dream happens... I'm now a *proud* owner of that piece of history
Ok, it's thursday the 21 of june... one day to go... I'm preparing my car with enough stuff to protect the old baby from 1971

The day after, friday early in the morning... a last check up before departure

Today, the destination will be ... UK

For my own 'roadtrip statistics'

06:35 am... let's go ... I'm starting from south belgium... then I arrive in france ...

..some delay... works on the road...

We there it is... the all famous 'EURO TUNNEL'

I really love it ... It allows me to catch cabs' in UK

Because the delay on the road, we miss the scheduled shuttle... not a big problem, but just have to wait 25 minutes for the next one... let's eat something

Ok, it is time... Let's go into one of my official roadtrip partner ...


... a little bit tired ?

Sleeping inside the eurotunnel

And here we are in UK ... land of freedom...& rain... and the all famous M20

Ok now we are on location... in the road where the seller is living... but ... something very strange in UK

sometime there is no number on the UK house, but just a name on the house ... So it's not very easy to found it
So I'm calling the seller... and wait for him

"Hi Bruno, don't move... I'm coming" ... Great

While this time, my wife is looking for a restaurant to go, just after the meeting...

Ok, here's the seller... entering the house... I see the graal ... I see the first arcade cabinet ever made ... I see Jesus Christ ... I see COMPUTER SPACE
The condition is great...and it's fully working... greeeeatt

Simon is very nice... we talk about arcade games, stories... very kind
He show us a very special room... full of this :

The room was full... something like 15 'beast' like that

Very nice...
Ok, it's time to do load the game... First note about computer game : it's not heavy to carry :

Let's hurry... it"s raining now...'s raining very badly now ... but the cab' is now safe inside my car the worst part of the roadtrip

Time to leave ...and also time to eat something
I cannot let such historical cab inside my car in a parking like that... so ... let's transform a computer space into ... E.T

Just after the dinner, we see an arcade/bowling room... let's have a look :

I didn't know that 'Pac Man Ball' coin-pusher machine ? :

...very nice...

... but not enough time (and money) to test it

Ok, now let's go back to Belgium... arggh... UK rain again & again

Now... it's official ... There is at least one Computer Space in Belgium

It's 10:44 pm... finally at home :

...just for archive... not a too hard road trip... very easy regaring the previous one for the Galaxian 3 Theater

Too tired to unload it from the car... so the cab will stay in the car during the night ...
Saturday morning... The D Day ... There is no more empty place in the Nuno's Lair v1.0

So the game will directly go into our house... until the new extention of my Lair (very soon)
Here, in the kitchen

...and now in the final room... our living room

I still can't believe the game is here... Am I dreaming
Stay tuned for the cleaning of the game, and the 'in deep' analyse