So here we are... at the Joe's place (the seller) ... Here's a really nice guy
Oppsss... what a beautifull vision


Holy Jesus Christ... this cab looks brand new
Appart a credit switch, everything is original

It's the famous Space Harrier upright version from Sega (1985). This model is imported from US. Joe explains to me that he owns this game since 3 years, and before him... this cab was owned by a private collector in US during 6 years... That explains what that cab looks so clean and perfect

Joe has also other cabs... not as vintage as Space Harrier... but great Japanes cabs anyway

Time for a gaming session now

Here's Joe, the seller... playing on an other great cab : Out Runners

...even my wife is playing...

Very impressive to play shot'em'up on a so huge vertical monitor



What a beautifull gaming room isn't it

During our Gaming Session, Space Harrier was switch off. Joe asks me : "Bruno please, can I switch on the Space Harrier on last time, for a last game ?"

He's a true Space Harrier fan... respect

...the control panel is wonderfull... a lot of details

...while this time, my wife is still playing on the japanse cabs :

Very nice one :

This one is particular regarding the sound installation...

OK... it's 12:00am local time... the sun shines... impossible to go back to Belgium now... I'm asking Joe if it's easy to go to the center of London without using my car... he says : "just walk 10 minutes, then get a train, and you'll be in the center of london in less than 45 minutes "

So... let's make a mini mini trip in London

OK, we are now at Piccadilly Circus... let's eat :

Burger King, the official Nuno's roadtrip partner since...

...the Regent Palace hotel, who has the best location in London... now closed :cry: :cry: :cry:

...too bad... we used to go there everytime we went in London... very cheap and the best localisation in London... in the middle of Piccadilly Circus... bye bye :cry:
OK, let's have a look inside the Trocadero... maybe we'll found new games since the last time (two month ago, for the Dragon's Lair Euro meeting 06 and for the Game On expo)...
A Konami's Guitar Freaks

Not a new or special game... but it's a game I want to own (I'm a guitar player by the way)

...and a DrumMania

I want one too ! Any

A Taito's Landing High Japan... smaller than the huge AIRLINE PILOT

...Out Run 2

Nope, it's Ford Racing...

An Aliens guncab :

...outisde the Trocadero... it's the Asian part of London :

... nice cab... opps... nice car front of the Buckingham palace, a beautiful park...

Ok, it's time to go back to Joe's house, the Space Harrier seller
He prepares for my the 'goodies' :

...and also protect the cab for the journey to Belgium

Let's load it :


... it 's ok...

That cab won't move now :

Time to say good bye. Thanks again Joe for being so kind with us ( Thanks for The & Cookies

). I hope to meet you soon. You're welcome in the Nuno's Lair anytime my friend

Ok, we have to go back to home now... it's late and we're still in London

...inside the Shuttle... once again

...and few hours later... we're safe... at home will be a very cold night... and I don't want to let the game in the car during the night... so let's unload it now, even if we are so tired !!!

StaY TUneD