We are on the move since 6:00am... and we still did not eat something, expect few cakes and chocolates... Nunette insists for eating something now... Let's try to enter in this Pizza Hut

Holy Jesus! I cannot go further in the Parking!!! I've to way back! See the water

Ok, let's continue to drive, and ... with some luck... we will find a restaurant ...


Because the car is parked a little bit too far from the Burger King, I won't be able to keep an eye on the trailer... so we decide to eat inside the car (I HATE TO DO THAT when eating fries and burgers!) ... Eat like a teenager spirit

Because of the rain, and because of the trailer... I have to be very careful... and I have to drive 'gently' ... oh no... traffic jam now

...but finally arriving at FOLKESTONE... for the Euro Tunnel...

Ready to enter into Le Shuttle... a man is alone... very scaring... see on the top of the train! ... I didn't notice this

Like a pirate after a battle, I check the treasures 'gained'

The 'package' on the trailer seems to resist so far by the way.

Bye bye Uk... A last run to go... Approx 4 hours to go


...and ... something like four hours later... almost at home

But ... what time is it by the way

(let's see if there are some fans here


Home sweet home

I'm very tired... but I don't want to let the GNG outside during the night!

I don't like to unload game alone, and specially this one (very heavy)... but I do it anyway

There's no more free space in the Nuno's Lair, but it would be to complicated to put the cabinet inside my house now, so let put it 'in the entrance' of the lair... I'll request some help tomorrow

OK, now the data :
Trip : Belgium > France > UK > France > Belgium
Total length : 17h20min - 1181 km on the road, 100km under water (Eurotunnel)
Ghosts'n'Goblins *dedicated*

Moon Patrol *dedicated*

Vector monitor ... I hope *working*

I'll open *dedicated* post for each cab'