Friday, the 28th of August 2009. Tomorrow will be a very special day... I'll do a new road trip for a very special game.
Ok, let's check my camera, I would like to prepare some pre-road trip pictures with my latest t-shirt

...but ... what happens with my camera

Jesus! My beloved CANON IXUS v3

the one I'm using since maybe 8 years for everything (road trip, restoration, holidays, ...EVERYTHING!)

is ... dead???

Arghh! It's now too late for buying a new one

Impossible to do a road trip without taking any picture! And especially for this one! ...OK... I'll have to use my mobile phone, a Siemens sgh-f480 that includes a 5M pixels camera. It's better than nothing
Saturday, the 29th of August 2009.... This is it! The D day

Very early in the morning... a last check before departure : Dr Pepper? Check! Namco music CD? Check! Pac Man hooded pullover? Check! Food? .... Food? ... no food? OK we will have to buy something for the breakfast on the road!

For my road trip stats'

Once more... we're going to U.K. ...for the fourteenth time!

6:09AM ... Ignition!

After approx. one hour of driving, first stop for buying our breakfast... in this AC Restaurant

Usual stuff

...approx two hours later... arriving at the French border...

Since my first UK road trip... now, for this UK #14... I can tell you I know perfectly the road


Do not be afraid regarding the channel tunnel ... just pick up your date via the website, select an hour, pay with your credit card, and try to be here on time. Don't worry, if you're here (at Calais) too early... or too late, you can use an other shuttle... without paying extra if you are less than two hours before or after the hour you got during your reservation. From my experience on this, I NEVER have to pay an extra... and sometime I was very l8te regarding my reservation time
Here, we put the credit card I've used for the reservation...
Greetings Professor Falken, Shall We Play a Game?

OK... entering le Shuttle... we are in France...

Less than one hour later... exiting le Shuttle... we are in UK ... The road of the 'Lords'

M20 !!

My navigation car system says : "One hour to go before your final destination". Usually, we eat AFTER picking the game, but this time... let's eat BEFORE...

... Hey ... This is a road trip about an hamburgers isn't it?

So this is THE road trip for such pictures

Darth Nunette : "Burger King? Not again?"
...but ... but ... This is
THE Burger road trip! Come on

How to resist to Burger King


This is ... a tasty Burger!

Listen Nunette... Since 1954...

Yes? ... and? ...what are you looking???


Mhhh.... ok, let's go back to the story
Driving in UK is still a little bit dangerous... keeping the left... something it can be frightening

For some reasons... I'm now thinking about the game SPEEDWAY...

... and I don't know why