Hi guys,
I posted the arrive of my berzerk here and since yesterday, I decided to to a full restoration instead of only fix it that it runs.
Reason was when I saw all the rust, I dismounted near every metal part and brought it to the sandblasting guy.
Tomorrow, I will clean the empty cab and have a look at the "modified" wiring harness ( the operator where I bought it from cut a few wires off to put a jamma connector on it ).
The G07 isnt working either, the width coil is damaged ( common problem ), but I already ordered parts from the states.
About the cab and sideart: I just wanna clean the cab and dont wanna respray it because im really happy with the sideart. And if im going to touch up the black color, I have to color it so carefully around the blue and red graphics. No, im not lazy I just know my skills

So I will brush it down with water and a sponge.

The marquee was colored completely black, with paint remover there came astro invader back to life. Well, not the correct marquee, so I ordered a used 1 from ebay usa.

There was "Rastan Saga" mounted in the cab and as you can see, they scratched off the overlay from the control panel and put a 2nd ( or 3rd ) button into it

Since I refuse to pay 250,- for a repro, I thought I will go with an overlay. But if im lucky, I can get a used cp from a nice guy

But luckily, I got the original berzerk pcb´s in an extra box.

Here you can see the burn-in in the G07. Well as I wrote, I have to fix the chassis, but I still have a few nice tubes in the garage. Lets have a look when everything is running, maybe you cant see the burn in that much.
Ah and btw, I already ordered a JROK pcb for the cab, because its bullet proof ( more or less ) and the harness was already adapted for a jamma connection.
But then we had an interesting discussion/input from Jochen at the german forum and that made me think about it again. And since I really enjoyed the restored DK Jr and Defender, I think I will give the original board a try and fix it ( or let it fix from someone who can do that ^^ ). That too was the reason I decded to dismount, derust and repaint all the metal parts. And if the original board runs, maybe I can offer you a JROK board?

Man, since Arcadiafest in hungary, I cant wait to play berzerk again

Ah yes, nearly forgot to ask you, if some has a spare plastic inlet - the one which says 25 cent and with that grey plastic behind of it? ( picture is from the web )