Author Topic: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff  (Read 14050 times)


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Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« on: April 19, 2009, 05:15:41 PM »
After a journey to Japan last month for business, eastern holidays and return to "normal" life after hard work

Only today (sunday 19 april) I had the time to rest a little, having the time to share some little things I found in Japan during the work days about our great passion:

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Here is an Original R-type model

I've bought also other stuff like the MAPPY and DIG DUG models (I'll see to make some photos and upload tonight or during the week)

Enjoy  ;)




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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 05:21:27 PM »
nice, but an r-type CAB would be a complete BURNER
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2009, 05:39:39 PM »
Already bought in the Us on in superb conditions last september !!  ;D

but still to ship with other cabs (still to finalize) inside a container leaving from the Us to Italy  probably next september

(.. don't think I did not reflect about it! How can I don't have that marvellous shooter in my collection!!)


ps= I've seen your journey, my best compliments, great adventure

Hope one day we'll trade for something!


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2009, 07:31:35 PM »
Thanks for the pictures Mav', but it seems to be the one I have from the 'Shooting Game Historica II'  (see this post).

What is the size of the ship?

You didn't see any Galaxian Theater by luck?  ::) :P

Welcome back Mav'  :-*


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2009, 10:38:31 PM »
Hey Bruno,

glad to hear you back!

I feel at home right here (this is one of the few forums where I periodically join)

(I replied to your pm: all OK:)

Well it seems the pod is a little bit different, but for the rest it is quite the same

Anyway a piece to have for any RetroGamer!

the measure of the ship is about 7cm

I hope to have the time tonight to upload MAPPY and DIG DUG MODEL to make the day!


Ps=>You didn't see any Galaxian Theater by luck?

No, to be true I did not even tried to look for it, but anyway I'll check better next time ;)


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2009, 03:23:48 AM »
I got my R-Type ship model too :)

here is 10 kind of people:
-who can read binary
-all the rest


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 05:21:51 PM »
Next time you visit Japan, consider buying a better camera. I hear they make pretty good one's there.....

Seriously love the models but the pictures are terrible....


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 08:10:26 PM »
Sure 42, yours are always better than others.. for sure... 

Anyway I'll ask to buy me not one, but two when you plan to go right there in..2020 maybe?

Jokes apart, I don't even know even who you are or what you want from me, so I tell you

If you "don't know" now you know that

the plan was and is

Just relax & sharing some free moments with my good old friends

nothing more and nothing less

Pictures where taken yesterday with the cell phone to make it in the day

and did not meant to be an High Level release to make it shine all over the web or posting on a High Tech forum

Fortunately this is not work But a Passion

so in the end to make the story short: Take it easy

Your life - and most of all, life of people around you - will gain from that

Hope you understand the message


Ps=I appreciate you loved the models, but don't like who judge and criticize others without even knowing the persons, it is too easy, so make your conclusions.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 09:20:17 PM by Maverick »


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2009, 10:36:42 PM »
Jeeez, damn Italians, always so highly strung.

To tell the truth, I don't know who YOU are, but you ar posting here right ? Well so am I what gives you the right to judge me !!?!?!?!? I haven't judged _you_ but the pictures, and they suck, no matter what...

If you post something on the internet / forum you can expect people to respond to it. If you don't like that, don't post.

I wasn't saying that my pictures were better, did I ? (Although yes, they are much better).

WTF does it have to do with me going to Japan in 2020. ?

Ps=I appreciate you loved the models, but don't like who judge and criticize others without even knowing the persons, it is too easy, so make your conclusions.
I'm NOT judging YOU wether I know you or not doesn't matter....this is a internet forum, most of the people here I've never met, so what ? That doesn't matter. You can watch my threads and comments and pictures and tell me what you think of them, that's the whole idea.

Come'on let's cheer up and be friends, we share the same passion ! :D Come over to my place next time, play the machines, drink beer and have fun !

And I still love the models !
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 10:45:38 PM by Level42 »


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2009, 11:30:56 PM »
>I wasn't saying that my pictures were better, did I ? (Although yes, they are much better).

So we,
"damn italians, always so "highly strung"
, right?


I'm speechless

>You can watch my threads and comments and pictures and tell me what you think of them, that's the whole idea.).

I think your "whole idea" differs from mine and many of others ).
"damn italians"
, we join the forum to meet and share, not to fight or attack!

If I don't like one thing from anybody, first check:

WHO you're talking about,

HOW to tell it


most of all WHY (possibly in a positive way)

[/quote]this is a internet forum, most of the people here I've never met, so what ? That doesn't matter. ).[/quote]

No, instead it matters.

Since you don't know the others, and others don't know you, you can express your point of view, but not to sayeverything you want HOW you want and think to be "aware" from the consequences.

Nobody forced you to express your point of view

In the end

Before talking you should first be sure to be:

1) in the right place


2) in the front of the right persons

then if you can't hold your comments, say it, but in a proper way.

this is what adult call "good manners"

it is not written but it' s Known



>Come'on let's cheer up and be friends, we share the same passion !

Sure no problem only after you apologize with ALL the italians present in the forum for the ).
"damn italians".)

End of the Line
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 05:04:40 PM by Maverick »


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2009, 08:04:16 AM »

"damn italians".

And us 'bloody australians'  ;D

C'mon guys...................................!


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2009, 10:04:05 AM »
Maverick, you *really* over reacted there!

I have to agree with Level42. In the pictures of the models I can barely make out what they are. You have the camera focused on the background behind the models and every shot is therefore out of focus and the models totally blurred.

He simply pointed this out.

We can't enjoy these beautiful models with a passion if we can't work out what they really look like. He wasn't attacking you in the original post, but because of the response you gave that post, he then basically said to chill out (rather curtly), to which you took offense again.

Now let's all calm down and get back to some Arcade Lifestyle!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 10:07:28 AM by Dazza »


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2009, 11:10:46 AM »
Dear Maverick,

This will be my last reply to this thread because I don't like pointless debates.

Let's get some things straight:

I think your "whole idea" differs from mine and many of others "damn italians", we join the forum to meet and share not to fight or attack!
If you feel that a little critizism about the quality of some pictures is equal to fighting and attacking (you) than yes, you ARE highly strung.

It's like good friends. Good friends don't smudge you around and say everything you do is so fabulous when it's not.
Good friends sometimes tell you the truth.
If you cannot accept a MINOR critizism about the pictures it's really time for you to grow up and become an adult.

You know, whith critizism you can do two things:
a) get angry and attack the person who critizises you
b) accept the critizism, think about why someone critizices something you did or didn't ( NOT YOU IN PERSON ) and maybe learn something from it.

I'll let you decide what is the mature way but I know it was _you_ who chose option 1.

If I don't like one thing from anybody, first check:

WHO you're talking about,

HOW to tell it


most of all WHY (possibly in a positive way)
So WHO are you Maverick ? And how am I supposed to find out ? And what does it matter ?

Really, I'm a member of the BYOAC forum, of the KLOV forum, of the JAMMA+ forum, of the forum. Those forums would become a _very_ quite place if everyone should first check out WHO it is that is posting something......

And something else: Did you check who I am before responding .......................................?

HOW I told it ? Well I didn't curse or get angry in my first response did I ? I see not a single bad word or text in there. You just felt it was an attack on you, and I can't understand that.

Nobody forced you to express your point of view
Ah, so I need someone to force me before I'm allowed to express my point of view ? This is a forum it's ALL ABOUT expressing point of views. Again, if you can't accept it that people will sometimes say something that you don't like, it's better you not post at all.

I've had a good discussion on this forum with Dartnuno. We disagree on some things. Did he say I wasn't allowed to write that here ? NO. Did he say he didn't agree with me ? YES. And are Bruno and I still good friends ? You bet ! We respect and help eachother, we share a great hobby and sometimes we have a different view on things. So what ? That's good to say it to eachother, you grow from it and get stronger.

One more thing, I agree with you that I shouldn't have written "damn Italians". That was stupid and out of place. I've been to Italy a number of times and it's a great country with mostly friendly people.
I also enjoy helping all the Italian holiday makers (a lot of them have mobile-homes) the way to "Kinderdijk" ( they visit our country. For some reason, they often get lost in my town while the windmills are on the other side of the river :)

So, those are my final words about this.

Take it whatever way you wish.

I still love the models !

And you are still more than welcome overhere, like anyone else.


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Re: Back from Japan with some Rare Arcade Stuff
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2009, 02:50:37 PM »
So 42 it seems it is not clear the message..

Let's see how much you want to continue to insult with YOUR "pointless debates" with your posts


you ARE highly strung.

Ok, now you insult me personally after the "damn Italians"(and you are not even apologized for that, simply incredible..)

and the thing become serious:

I Do NOT know what PROBLEM YOU GOT man but it must be SERIOUS if you arrive to INSULT PEOPLE on a forum.

People that YOU Don't EVEN KNOW or got any confidence with.

Since I'm a Normal person, having a normal life, not frustrated like you that maybe can find some accomplishment from the flame you created

I tell you THIS:

I DO NOT mess with someone who argue for a photo


 (a photo, think about it, and you claim to be an adult?.. bah) 

You're nothing.



It's like good friends. Good friends sometimes tell you the truth.

Good friends? Who know YOU man?

You're Nothing to Me

You're just an anonimous person!

And something else: Did you check who I am before responding .......................................?


especially after what you've written on Italians and insulting me.

Acting in this way you're smaller than what you want to seems if you write even this:

I'm a member of the BYOAC forum, of the KLOV forum, of the JAMMA+ forum, of the forum.

So? This would give you the right to SPIT on anybody? To judge and see no reply?

Too Easy, man!

Not to mention but I'm on the d-l-p from years, but apart that, I NEVER had any flame with anybody because my first rule is to respect to be respected

A rule that you should learn if you want to live normally

if I join a discussion I always do it fairly with politeness and not being provocative or trolling

I do not put out my ego first (as you did) to have a fight to gain respect

That's not the right way!

With controversy you get the opposite!

Respect comes from inside, not from outside

Learn this buddy

If you don't respect the others don't expect to get respected

You have what You give

Adults (as you try to seem) do not write
"damn italians", you ARE highly strung.

No way!

This is a forum it's ALL ABOUT expressing point of views..

Sure, but it is a WAY in which you do it, that makes the DIFFERENCE..

You write as your mouth spit, and it is OFFENDING


it's better you not post at all

I did not known you are the new boss right here, totally crazy!

If you want to rule in your forum, than why you do it ?

instead of wasting here with flames?

Until when you crashed in this post, everything was
"a _very_ quite place if everyone should first check out WHO it is that is posting something......".

Think about it!

And you are still more than welcome overhere, like anyone else.

I'm speechless he acts like a Boss!


« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 05:15:07 PM by Maverick »