Hehe Laszo, its a way too late now.
This is day 3 of my restauration ( ok, spent some time for my neo geo too ) and I am really exhausted. Luckily, I sit now in front of my computer with an ice cold beer

So, the cab has only top, bottom and sidewalls left, near everything else has been gone out. Guys, you wont believe, there are SO MANY screws/nuts and bolts which are totally rusted. Even if they look nice, the thread from the sparx/screw is rusted into the wood. So off course you cant put out them with a normal screwdriver or ratchet, you ruin the head or they brake off.
If amazon is correct, I get some more tool on tuesday ( drills and small cutting discs ) and I can finish the disassemble. The wooden plates, well that top layer on the inside ( veneer? ) goes off because it must have been wet in the past. I have to fix that. Then the screw holes: many times, the screw just rip off the hole ( without turning ), so the hole isnt really good now to put in a new screw. I will fix that with some special wood filler.
The controlpanel, no you cant just simply put out all screws normally. Its the same desaster like on the cabinet - the cabinet I thought is in pretty good condition and just a simple Monitor / power supply change. Well...
This here is a screwhead:

Here is a picture where my DK was placed before:

Since I paid a lot of money for a nintendo cab, there is no other solution than restoring it to former glory! Because no one would pay you that much for a cab in this condition.
Metal parts will get powder coated. Screws will be bought new. And I will grind the wood and repaint respectively fix the damage.
video soundboard from mikes arcade ( since i dont use an sanyo )
Last thing: the paint
I already bought some paint Ral 2011 from my test example ( broke a small chip off ) but today, I removed the sideart.

This picture does not reflect the original color ( smartphone pictures ), but you can see the difference between the small part laying on the sidewall. The small part and the right side ( where the sideart was on before ), you can see that the color is different to the left side. Well no sunlight, no color change. So I will buy a new paint to get as close to the original color as possible.
I hope I can finish that rebuild in the next... hmm .. 5 weeks?