Author Topic: # Road Trip # KASCO - THE DRIVER -'s a game with a red car, movie style...  (Read 95191 times)


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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Yeah, it's interesting that they went through all this trouble.....I mean...that must have been at least one full day of filming. And it was FILMING like old style of course...and the stunts had to be planned, rehearsed, roads/locations blocked off.....get the cars, the stunt-men.....that's a lot of money !

You'd expect them to go with just one film.....then again changing movies probably kept the machine earning money better.

Really curious about the other films.Was the one in the machine not scanned ?

About the process I think Gyruss said that scanner was pretty new and they can set it to different speeds/resolutions.

I like that there was no "repair" of the material (would be a lot of work by the way) but it's good to see that it's film :)


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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It's a 4k scanner (although we only have the 2k licence) and there are only 2 of those in the Netherlands. The scanning was done in realtime..
Bruno gave us 2 films, but they both had the same content. If you guys have any more questions about it i'll ask the operators to answer them.  :)


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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It's a 4k scanner (although we only have the 2k licence)

.....stuff like that always makes my fingers itch........let's hack it !  ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Hello DarthNuno. Congratulations on your Kasco project. I was wondering what does the gas pedal do? Does it affect the speed of the film?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 06:39:01 AM by rdg2010 »


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I was wondering what does the gas pedal do? Does it affect the speed of the film?
Well, I cannot tell so far, 'coz the game doesn't work atm, but ... good question... it would makes sense, although altering the movie speed wouldn't look right... :roll:


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Hey guys!

Can I get an absolute confirmation that there are no ROMs found inside this beast (film projector and otherwise), and any "programming" is done through the filmstrip or the other optical cards shown earlier in this thread? Looks like it's mainly TTL discrete / electromechanical?


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I'll publish pictures from the inside, so you'll figure out what's in there.  8)

Oh, and welcome to DLF/ALS'  ;)


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wow ! the game which I played when I was 13 or 14 years old (im 41 now :D
played it on a local fair arcade hall wich came year in the city (in the summer) where I did live,
seen it only 2 times there, after it was gone. never seen it again,
few years ago I seen that movie on youtube ( yellow cabinet where you see how its working)
the game wich I played myself was a red cabinet with blue car chair, in fact, the game was not popular at all,
think I was the only one who did put money in  :roll:
if I remember well: people where playing all the time atari's pole position, hyper Olympic and kung-fu master at that time, 

I remember you had to follow a red car ( Japanese car) going trough traffic, and there was a moment 2 cars did stop and there
was just enough space to go between ;D
very impressed I was in that time  :D

but now my story :
2 years ago I seen advertising on a local website here, a guy who sold old arcade games, on one of the pictures from the game he was selling I could
see this kasco driver game in the background, did call him to ask if he still had it, no luck, he sold it, but he did give me the phone number
from the buyer, I did call him to ask if he still had it, and if he would sell it to me, he told me yes, come to look and we will see what we can do ;
so i almost bought a "driver" game myself, and to be honest I think its the same game here which you bought here,bcs there are not so many around I guess  ;)

I arrived at the guy= huge building full of arcade games :shock: ,a small little city close to Gent, Belgium ( I was really impressed what I seen there)
a lot of games ,even n.o.s games ,never used, old stock, I don't know, but was paradise for me  ;D
we did try to power it on, but yeah, nothing happened,  I was doubting to buy it or not, bcs asking price was pretty high.
seller told me, its mechanical so cant be much wrong, and told me the 16mm films you can still buy new ( to be honest i did not believe you can
still find the 16 mm movies new, but seems I was wrong  :oops:)
he told I will fix it and call me back in some time,
did call him around one month later and he told me :it already gone/sold,so I was to late and still high price for me, maybe If I would seen it working
I would forget the price  ;D
anyway, im very happy to see the game here, and even more happy to see that movie with the French cars,
I really hope you will keep going to convert the other movies which you have, I think the one with the Japanese cars must be in the game itself.
I hope one day I will see that movie again which I played so many years ago,  almost 30 years ago !
again, very happy to see this game, and really hope you keep going to digitize the other movies.
ps: lovely site and love to see the trips you make ! keep going on and great site !
greetings ,Tommy 



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Hi Tommy,

Glad you appreciate this stuff, and nice story by the way. Mine is quite similar... with the exception I played/viewed that game ...only once I think, during the annual village fair.
But that was a strong enough experience that I still remember!  :)
I should upload the second video footage soon...
Welcome to DFL/ALS  :)


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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A large hall full of arcade games near the city of Gent.........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)

Cool story and welcome !


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thanks ! = cant wait to see that next movie(s)  ;) hope its the one which I did seen/played almost 30 years ago,
I think its the same cabinet which you have that I seen to this guy, I remember the steering wheel was in bad condition, material almost gone,
he did open the back, I seen the projector inside, and that small "disk" round thing which is turning around when the game is not been played ( like a demo)
it was not in good shape,did suffer from heat or so,  hot temperatures I think,
anyway, hope yours is or will work one day.
grtz, tommy ( sorry about my bad English)

@level 42 : yep, around 15 km from gent, the guy don't advertises in newspapers or on internet,
i was just lucky to get in touch with him, regular house, but behind the house there is a big building (like a old hypermarket building or so)
a lot of games are stored there , don't want to give more details, probably the owner would not appreciate that.
but it was the biggest collection I ever seen , 200 ,300 games ( wild guess)  very very old games, completely mechanic games, think 30 /40 years old
I never seen this kind of games before, like with mechanical puppets dancing when you put money in ,
I remember I seen a n.o.s night driver stand up arcade wrapped in plastic , also a Hang on sega , also n.o.s
even some games staying outside , completely gone or almost gone from the weather.
groeten uit belgie  ;)  tommy

Chuckie egg

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Wow I've only just seen this thread.
I do remember the game but I must have have been very little. I love stuff like this it's so organic and real it reminds us all of simpler times.
Well I hope you get it work Bruno as it will help with getting my two beasts going.
Good luck buddy


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We had this game in the Arcade from Groningen as well, with the Corvette reel.
It was quite reliable from what i remember.
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Did the guy doing the digitisation tell you what format the original film was in?

I know most folks are saying 16mm, but with only 1 set of sprockets on the reel, it looks more like Super 8mm to my eyes. My retro games blog.


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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Dirk just brought in this monster (it's missing the seat as well)....I wonder if they will get it running :)