And here we are, already the fourth edition of the...

...and this year, I'm gonna bring that little kid with me.

After almost four hours on the road, this is it! The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision... amazing location for an arcade event like this, as you'll see in the next pictures!

After unloading that cab' with the help of the effective 'cade2014 crew, here's the main entrance...

Fix It Felix Jr is now in location. This 'Nintendo' row starts to looking very good, and we expect more of them... impressive!

I'm already very curious to check the second main area, which hots some Japanese curiosities, such this
Cho Chabudai Gaeshi 

After ChrisChris, it's my turn to figure out the rule of this

Ohhh oh!!! See that monster...

Wait... many players (4), bass boomers, huge red lights flashing, dual this is not a Galaxian Theater, this is...

I'll go back on that one l8ter guys, now I'm like a kid inside a huge toys shop, and I'm first attracted by things I don't know... like this cabinet?

It's a PC and/or Xbox One? game called
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime 
The game is a frantic co-op platformer-inside-a-shooter, in which players work together piloting a neon-drenched battleship to save space animals, explore the galaxy, and fight evil robots. Players must dash back and forth between the ship's control stations, manning turrets, lasers, shields and thrusters in order to dodge asteroids, blast enemies and liberate planets. Deep space is a dangerous place, but at least you don't have to face it alone!
The cabinet has been (very well) built by Sjaak, and the game is really addictive.

Back on the main area! André -who already mastering the ipad version- is trying FixIt ...*upright* version!

Speaking about FixItFelix Jr, here's the developer of this *Arcade Movie Replica* version of the game... please welcome Sjaak (yes, also the builder of the 'Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime' cabinet)

You did a great job, I really enjoy this game *arcade tuned*, thanks again for this, in the name of the FFIJr arcade cabinet owners

Let's have a walk and check the game here and there...

Marco playing Galaga

The 'inseparable' Pac Man / Galaxian cabinets ...

...heheh ... Mortal Kombat II ... I will reveal secret files l8ter in the topic

Let's check the Nintendo
s row or so...(yes, yes, TobiKomi is also a part of Nintendo


Against an other wall, see how these beauties shine in the dark

Did you ever seen that Space Invaders version, huh? What a beauty isn't it