I just finish my final touch to my commando cab... just to refresh some memory, it was 2 years ago when i found that cab here in Miami ..it was ready to go to the junk yard
so i decided to give it a try and that what was left after i thraw all the bad parts
i know....not pretty...
i found out that it was a zaxxon cabinet that was transform into a tank game...i decided to try to convert it in a commando game...
this was after 75% of the job done:
after tha i installed inside a 3in1 multi jamma with remote control...and the 3 pcb choices were:
gryzor "contra"
last week i decided to finish it...at first i removed the dark plexi and replace it with a clear one:
much better, you can finally see the bezel
than i found this on ebay a NOS commando cpo:
just one problem :pirate: the cpo doesnt fit the panel at all...
i am going to have to do some little collage here....
and after:
well i am very happy with the results... :l: , just thinking about it , the cab went a long way...from almost to the yard to an almost brand new commando with a multi kit :mat:
more picture: