Fall 1984, "SIM Hi-Fi IVES" electronic entertainment expo, Milan (Italy)
Leaving all that I saw "outside" the world of video games, me and 2 other friends were kinda' delighted about the various LaserGames
we could saw all in one single place: Astron Belt, Bega's Battle, Dragon's Lair and Space Ace ( Italian "Atari by Sidam" versions),
FireFox, Interstellar, Laser Grand Prix, Mach3, Star Rider (! FANTASTIC cab, "sitdown motorcycle" version !) and... Cliff Hanger !
Well, I can assure you that we three guys and with about 3000 Liras/each in coins reached our goal to see Cliffy finished !
That is to say that the game is "EASY", no doubt, although some screens require sequences of moves rather close together...
In the winter of the same year Cliffy came in the Arcade "Jolly Blue" of our town and, as you can imagine, the game took us a very little
time not only to complete it all but also to "defeat" it in every way. I mean we reached the "perfect score", typical of all the
"moves-based" LaserGames, that has to be "studied" (in this case quite briefly...) in the way to get as many points as possible
by sacrificing all the lives available but the last one (used, of course, to complete the game) at a certain point and then repeat the
same "profitable" (in terms of scoring) sequence of moves!
I remember very well (not like it was yesterday...) that just us three alone had always owned the "perfect score", and that primacy was
maintained until the game was took off from that arcade !
This score was (and still is ...) 1.350.000 pts. !
Turning now to the the "core" of the debate as well as by topic title:
Just three years ago I recorded a Cliff Hanger game, played on my Daphne cab, with the dipswitches set on "competiton" mode, just like
it IS IMPOSED by "Twin Galaxies" !
Well, my score of 1.350.000 points was a bit larger than the previous undefeated record of 1.310.000 pts. obtained, by the way, by a
good friend of mine, member of the Daphne Team like I am, too! Imagine his surprise when I told him that his performance, also verified
by a court (... a random name: Walter Day!) was not a "perfect", although it was indicated as "% of completion equal to 100" on
the T.G. page! So, in order to authenticate my record I sent them (I mean to Twin Galaxies...) my ORIGINAL Mini-DV videotape (copies
were not admitted because plausible of editing, which would allegedly falsified the score!). Obviously the "package" included
a letter that as well as presenting myself related that "far from the years" experience which you could have just read the "summary"
at the very beginning of this same post!
Well... since now I have still heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of that package, that videotape and that letter...
Of course I tried many times, in many ways to contact someone of Twin Galaxies...
Nobody has EVER answered!
And this even BEFORE the envoys of the pack!
Not an email, not a message... even in any other pleasant place on the Internet or on the Earth!
I tried to ask to some American friends of the Daphne Team and of D-L-P, but none of them send back to me a plausible justification for it...
Some of these friends also had opportunity to talk with Walter Day during various american videogames manifestations and/or conventions
like the CAX, so they directly told him that thing happened to me...
Results, as well?
[ N.D:Marco: I always thought there could have been one answer that those friends would not refer to me...
"Who care about a "not-american" being here with us in OUR record table ?"
... probably these have been the words ... ]
After that "incident" I was not satisfied, so I tried and tried several times to contact TG but... nothing! ...NOTHING EVER !!!
After all this time I had kinda' removed the anger which I had filled up, since a few days ago "someone" in the Daphne chatroom reminded
me that I still have that "elusive" world record by Cliff Hanger to authenticate...
This was just before my holiday period, that is now unfortunately over

So I tried again to contact TG and in the meantime I went to see the page on the world record of Cliff Hanger...
... please go look in there and then imagine my face when I saw it ...
http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.as...i=5497&vi=2721Congratulations !!!
Not to that recordman, but to who has assigned the score 3 years after he knew (and probably also viewed...) my own perfect score !
I have no words, friends...
I can only say that now for me there is absolutely no more reason even to talk about TG in a speech !
I have never had contacts with them before, and I'll never have any in the future!
At this point I'd rather know that my tape ram an iceberg and never reached the USA... But maybe it's another story

In August 21th,c.y., so just a few days ago, I recorded a video of a game played on my Daphne cab, just EXACTLY like 3 years ago
when I recorded that Mini-DV !
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XP99AYVT... and here are some shots of my "perfect score", dated August 6th, 2008
http://picasaweb.google.com/macdlsa/...rPERFECTSCORE #
[ P.S.
I can assure you that I could play Cliff Hanger EVEN WITH MY EYES CLOSED and GET THE SAME SCORE !!!!!!
