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« on: February 06, 2010, 03:31:18 PM »
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 08:48:09 PM by manosoft »


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« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 03:54:38 PM »
unfortunately i don't have one for sale, but seeing the words "italy" and "dragon's lair" always reminds me of the missed opportunity of getting a great-looking DL cabinet in germany more than a year ago. i didn't see the auction on ebay, that's why it went cheap for 500 euros - sold to an italian forum member. no hard feelings though, he spotted it, i didn't, he deserves it, i don't  ;)

good luck in your quest!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 05:00:31 PM »
Welcome here, manosoft  :)

Good luck for your quest.


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« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 09:51:07 PM »
ciao Grande MAVERICK l'importante e' che io posso contare su di te! ;)

Hi damiano,

thanks for the compliments

Happy to see you are seriously willing to go for a Dragon's Lair cab then

Oliver got one willing to sell for 1,500 pounds (with no Ld player (original Ld player broken) and no marquee from the photos he sent me last month)  with typical cosmetical work to do (sideart, marquee, cpo, etc..)

shipping and crating excluded (oliver is in UK)

Of course it must be done with work to do on it..

but I mean if you want it, oliver got it

I heard lee but he left the offer

Contact oliver (UK)


Ps= it would be better - as long is my knowledge in international trading -

that you state clearly (as you did when you contacted me at the phone last week)

that Now you don't have the money nor willing to buy the game on the nail

Nor having a cash deposit because you have to pay the loan for the new car bought last december (exactly what you told me in italian on the phone)

I say this because in italian "would" not means necessarly as a will to commit (in this
case to buy a DL cab)

normally it is used as a gentle way to just ask informations

Abroad (Uk, Germany, etc..) "would"  it is mostly understood that you are going to buy it

if there is a real chance (concrete) to have it

Just to make sure you don't get misunderstood or someone get angry with you for not fulfilling the purchase due to the time considered wasted just on asking informations..  ;)

State also that you are a newbie to all this thing and got no knowledge in road trips or restoring (it is always better to clear these points in advance to prepare other collectors that went beyond all these typical issues)

Good luck

Message for Ully: look at the future, you lost nothing if you still want it, oliver is waiting for you!  ;)

« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 02:55:54 AM by Maverick »


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« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 11:03:24 PM »
Message for Ully: look at the future, you lost nothgin if you still want it, oliver is waiting for you!  ;)

thx mav, but 1500 pounds for a machine which isn't that rare is too much for me. there will be other chances i'm sure  :)
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2010, 11:30:50 PM »
thx mav, but 1500 pounds for a machine which isn't that rare is too much for me. there will be other chances i'm sure  :)


if compared to computer space or pong (see the thread here)

I agree with you

But to have an original perfect machine in europe is not really easy to find


to find even a not perfect cab, is not cheap

a US original DL machine (not perfect or restored) is a hi cost.


In my opinion - seeing from the beginning of your cabs collection (joust 2 approx april 2009, am I precise as always, eh?  8) )-

you are more on the late' 70 games (most atari) than a (devoted  :twisted:)Lasergame fan as me, any, jason, ..

This doesn't mean that one is better than other but simply that for you it has a different meaning on your wish list

as for us an another

For us a DL is a must have soon as possible

For you it is 1 of between others

and this more than normal

Most of all: It is a matter of will - driven by our taste (more will to have it = more money spent of the specific item)

(Me or jason to collect a berserk cab it is not exactly as a SA ded so we save our money and energy

but this doesn't mean berserk is not good for money requested or don't value its cost..)

A matter of will in general..  

..Except for oliver that have EVERYTHING!  :P

But he doesn't count since he's not the rule

but the exception!   ;D
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 03:01:29 AM by Maverick »


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« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2010, 11:37:27 PM »
i absolutely agree with you, mav. although i'd LOVE to have a DL (and / or space ace) one day, it's not at the top of my list, simply because of the gameplay. of course what sets those games apart from all the others is the use of the laserdisk. in the end, it's good that we are all collecting different kind of games, otherwise this would soon become a battle  :spaceace:
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 11:42:05 PM »
otherwise this would soon become a battle  :spaceace:

Who said it will not become a battle soon?! he he :twisted:

Today I'm awaken not my normal good peace mood but on my battle field mood (rare but dangerous because not frequent)   :lol: ..:twisted::


yes you're right, and it is good because some day we can exchange each other, having collected different cabs

Lasergames are a NIGHTMARE to restore with the original hardware (especially US cinematronics - cosmetically don't even talk about it)  :evil:

you have a chance of 1/3 to make it work when it arrives, (always something is broken or got broken soon)

and to restore it around a 1 year time process usually (to  find the same pieces, buy new players, disks not laser rotten, right roms for Ld palyer to make it work on the mb, monitor caps, ld adapters in case ldv 1000 goes out of focus..)

A nightmare  :spaceace:

he took me 5 years to understand all the different hardware machines and be able to operate easy and fast (cliff hanger, space ace dedicated, DL)

+ non lasergames (Out run Upright and sitdown Deluxe (a nightmare), After burner upright and Deluxe (a 2nd nightmare), rolling thunder, punchout, thunderblade, indy 500, aerocity candy cab,

TRON (I love the game but I hate the cab for how difficult was the restoration, 2 years in the making for the 100% hardware and cosmetic restoration.

For 1 single game 2 years is crazy! (a 3rd and final nightmare)

« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 03:05:49 AM by Maverick »