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Messages - Tom#2-JP

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Galaxian Theater / Re: Dragoon J-2 model ... 4 sale ?
« on: June 04, 2008, 03:21:26 AM »
to get it, we "MUST" go to Wonder Festival. Because of "当日版権(One day Copyright)".
Sales have been permitted only in the hall on that day of the event.

Galaxian Theater / Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« on: June 03, 2008, 03:36:36 AM »
may be...

Dragoon, this is HAWK-LEADER. We are ready for departure
Roger HAWK-LEADER, 10 seconds to departure.
All wings report in.
HAWK-LEADER standing by
HAWK-1 standing by
HAWK-2 standing by
HAWK-3 standing by
Relase catapult

Galaxian Theater / Re: Dragoon J-2 model ... 4 sale ?
« on: June 03, 2008, 03:31:21 AM »
Wonder Festival 2008[Winter] was held at Tokyo Big Sight in Feb.24,2008   ←these pics.  Ver. 2.0 
This is an exhibition of the final product.
We should assemble this and paint.  (…だったよねぇ?)
It was sold for 20k@JPY≒€125. I don't know how many DRAGOONS he sold.

Wonder Festival 2008[Summer] that is scheduled to be held at Tokyo Big Sight in Aug.3,2008  ← Ver. 2.5 

Galaxian Theater / Re: Dragoon J-2 model ... 4 sale ?
« on: June 03, 2008, 12:37:26 AM »
Tokyo Game Show?

2008夏WF=Wonder Festival 2008[Summer]

Galaxian Theater / Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« on: June 02, 2008, 06:31:46 AM »
>I would like to know where this video/presentation is coming from ? I'll ask the question to the youtube >sender of it (maybe it's someone you already know, from a Japan UGSF group ?)

very very sorry.... we don't know who uploaded it.
but I saw this video when I played GM-16,I feel. ( as a promotional video...?  I don't know those details.)

Galaxian Theater / Re: Saving Galaxian Theater... in Japan !!!
« on: May 30, 2008, 07:54:08 AM »
>Note : the original story is in Japanese, but here's a quick resume of it (Ikke, Tom#2-JP & friends, please correct me If I'm wrong

>The next day (?)

All work was carried out on April 13,2008.
They spent it on assembling work for 8 hours or so.
(Why "They"? Because the physical condition was bad, I was absent at that time... :'( )

Galaxian Theater / Re: What does it mean - SN in Japanese ?
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:22:36 AM »
>機器番号  / Serial Number    : 223 - 205
>Very interesting. What does it means ? Is it the number 205 for a total of 223 Theater worldwide ?   

I think...
223 : type number (Ex. PACMAN,Galaga,Galaxian3 )
205 : S/N   (this is 205th)

if it is number 205 for a total of 223,  we often use "205 / 223" .

Ikke said,
"this is Asset management number, I think.
I often see this panel with a Game machines other than made by Namco at Game center of Namco.
and I don't see this panel with Game machines by Namco at Game center that is not Namco."

Galaxian Theater / Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« on: May 26, 2008, 03:15:04 PM »
if you will get GH-28,you must build a house for GH-28.
driving units on the 1st floor.
you can enjoy games on the 2nd floor.(you can see it on the movie)

......I tell a regrettable story.
there is no GH-28 in the world.
so we can not buy GH-28. :'(

there was two (possible to play by 28 people) Galaxian^3  in the world.

1st GH-28 (Osaka,JPN -> Tokyo,JPN) was removed scrapped in 2000 Mar.30,2001.
2nd GH-28 (Kanagawa,JPN)  was removed in 1997.

>Here's the model reduced of it :
these pictures are not GH-28. these are GM-16.

There is no GM-16 in Japan,too.
The last GM-16 (Himeji,JPN ) was removed on Mar,2003

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