« on: June 10, 2021, 04:21:05 AM »
OK guys, this has been a bit of a brisk topic for me the past month, so I am going to dust off a couple projects from 8 years ago and start a couple of new ones for everybody. There's not a huge amount of things I can easily re-make, but I think I can hit on a couple of the more common, and one of the most critical.
I am going to try again to organize a group-buy for new domes here in the USA. I've already talked with a couple of you in other forums and via email, and I am in the process of fresh price quotes. Now, If anybody in the USA is interested in a replacement dome, please please please email me sooner rather than later. If this happens, I don't know if I can do it more than once. I also have no idea on price. If you're interested, I'm going to have to know by June 15th, 2021. I'll give more info once I have it. If pricing is decent I may order a few extras to keep on hand but it won't be many, if any. The biggest concern for me on this is shipping.
2 - Replacement yolk buttons
I've mentioned it before, but I did upload the 3D models for new yolk buttons onto thingiverse, and can make them for you via my store at a reasonable price. (DarthNuno, is it ok if I post my store info on here?)
3 - Replacement yolk LED boards.
I'm probably going to do a short run of these as well by request. I'm only starting to look into it, so no idea yet on time and pricing.
4 - Flashboys.
I'd LOVE to do an LED replacement board that goes in place of the original strobes. I just cannot find my original info that had the pinouts and voltages on the original factory strobes. If anybody can provide that I'd love to look more into this.