Hello there, newcommer starlord here:
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that I'm enchanted to post in those forums... Your commitment to the mame scene has been nothing short of fabulous (especially given the recent dumps of the galaxian3 cabinets): this is software preservation at it's finest...
Actually, I have a question for you: I have spotted in port leucate a very curious cabinet named the chameleon RX-1 made by digital sunil (korea):
http://clawgrip.blogspot.com/2005_09_25_archive.htmlquite similar to this one aside from the fact that the one I saw was actually a tiltable chair: it went out in 2002 and appearantly is heavily PC based...
As such, I was actually wondering if this one might have been among your to be dumped collection in order for it to be preserved also?
many thanks for the insight.
best regards.