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Topics - logan

Pages: [1]
'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: SEGA Astro City
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:52:52 PM »
I'm selling one of my Astro City Candy Cabs.

Works absolutly fine and is in good condition.

I was thinking of about 650€

The Cab can be picked up in D-91355 (germany).

The middle one in the Attachments.

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Astroids
« on: December 17, 2009, 05:46:03 PM »
just found a Astroids on another board.

looks great:

(would buy it myself but just bought the digdug...)

Arcade Lifestyle / Logan's first DigDug (Project)
« on: December 13, 2009, 09:33:43 PM »
Hi Guys,

look what I just got!

Isn't she a beauty? Okay, needs some work and the PCB seems to be broke, I've got time and this will just fit perfect in Logan's Gameroom v2!  ;D ;D ;D

Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / Trip to Cattolica (Italy)
« on: June 26, 2009, 07:30:58 PM »
Hi guys,
I'm back!  ;D ;D Missed me??  ::) ::) ;)
Couldn't visit the board in the last few months cause I had loads of work & stuff to do... but now, after one week italy, I am finally back!  ;D
... and I want to share my arcade pics form italy with you!

First of all, the last time I've been to Cattolica (Adira Coast, about 20km "below" Rimini) was 6 or 7 years ago, sady all the arcades didn't really improve in that time (not from my point of view). They got rid of almost all classic games/cabs (mostly neogeo universal woodies)... :(

And here we go.

This used to be my favorite Arcade, but as you can see, they closed this one down... :( :( :(

okay, next one:

racers... racers... and... racers...

woohoo... neo cabs!  :D :D

active... stuff...  :o

old but still good :)

okay, off to the next one!


even sweeter! After Burner Climax rocks, this is one great cab! Loved to play it!

These poor naomies are all junk... red screen...

you could hardly see anything on that hotd 3 screen...

Metal Slug 6, WOOOOHOOOO!!!  ;D :D :D

I really like sega rally 2, but those cabs all didnt work well.... you can tell by only looking at them...

wroooooooooommmmmmm....  :shock: :shock: :shock: ;D

couldn't resist...  :D ;)

oh, and by the way, THIS is me...  :shock: :shock: :ghost:

All in all it was fun to be at an arcade again... but you shouldn't look at the cabs for too long cause they aren't in best shape (exept for all these active stuff where you have to throw balls and stuff like that...). Also i missed all the good old classics... only found 3 neo cabs...

Thats all for the moment!

logan / Thomas

Hi guys,

looking for a:
out run steering wheel center cap


Arcade Lifestyle / What do you think of Candy Cabs??
« on: February 03, 2009, 09:20:11 AM »
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anybody else but me on this board is into "Candy Cabs". I know, I know, most of the users here are more retro and into old woodies but what do you think about the "newer" universal Candys like the 'SNK Super Neo 29' or 'SEGA Astro City'. I really like them because the look so clean and... well... they really like hard candy...  ;D ;D
Okay, it may be because of my age (I'm only 24 years old, I think this will make me one of the youngest users here) why I like these cabs from the 90s, or maybe because I used to play alot of SNK games in the Italian Arcades when I was a little boy...

Of course I also like the real Retros like Pac-Man :pac: or Donkey Kong...

So, tell me what you think!

logan  :ghost: :ghost:

Technical Area / Outrun <--> Mame (How To ??)
« on: January 28, 2009, 10:25:58 AM »
Hi guys,

I am pretty new to the whole arcade scene/Lifestyle and until now only worked with original Hardware/PCBs.

As some of you may know I have a Outrun Upright with the original PCB. I am a big Outrun Fan and would love to have a "The Outrunners Twin Sit Down Cab" but I think there wont be enough space in my gameroom for such a massiv cab... but I tought of running it (and maybe some others like "turbo outrun" and maybe even Outrun 2 SP) in the Outrun Uprigh cab.

But as I said I don't know much about how to do this with mame! I know I need a PC for it, thats no problem but I dont know how to connect it with the outrun cab, what software i need exactly? Dos?? Windows?? does it run with linux? (I'm a linux sysop) what mame version? and so on...

I dont think the outrun is a JAMMA cab so I would also need to do some kind of adapter so i can still use the PCB by just unplugging the PC and replug it??  What do you think?

Could you guys help me? Would be great!

Thanks a lot

logan / Thomas

Arcade Lifestyle / Logan's Gameroom
« on: October 15, 2008, 08:41:31 PM »
Howdy guys,

the day has finally come, today I started with the preperations for my gameroom (does Logan's Lair sound good...  :roll: :roll: ;)).

So this is the Room that will be turned into my personal Lair:

As you can see on the pictures, there is this big white tube going right thru and across the room, this will be my first task. The room isn't very high (only about 2 meters) and that is why this tube is hanging very deep, unfortunatelly I can't just remove the tube because it is from the heating system of my house, but what I can do is to relocate the tube. This will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow by some craftsmen who know what the are doing... :)

Today I prepared the room for them and demounted some stuff that would be in the way of the new tube (the new one wont cross the room and wont hang down as deep as this one).

Here is the room now:

I know, not as impressive as Nuno's, but it's mine!  :lol: :lol: ::)

More to come soon...

Arcade Lifestyle / My little Outrun Roadtrip
« on: September 07, 2008, 07:25:18 PM »
Hi guys,

today was the day, I went to go and pick up my Outrun Cab! :) My first Roadtrip... only around 220km but hey, gotta start small! :P
But guess what, I forgot my Cam at home... so I couldn't make any pictures of the trip its self, but here are some from the new cab, I also picked up a Williams Pinball and a SEGA ST-V with 3 sweet games! :)

Outrun (left) and Pinball (right) in the Trailer:

The trailer infront of my garage:

Pinball glass:

SEGA TITAN with Vitura Fighter Kids, Die hard Arcade (love it) and Golden Axe Duell:

Outrun Cab parts:

The Cab pretty naked:

Outrun PCB & inside:

Outrun assembling an finish:

The William's "High Speed" Pinball:

Hope you guys enjoy the pictures :)

The outrun is in good condition and pleys without any errors, only some scratces on the backside and t-molding. I think I made some of those scratcehs because I had to get this huge cab down some tiny stairs with a 90° angel to my basement... :(
I think I will build an extra entrance to my basement before I get more cabs, cause I dont want to damage anything by bringing it down here... but that's stuff for another topic (maybe soon).

As I said, hope you like my post!


All the rest / Greetings from Franconia (Germany)
« on: August 26, 2008, 08:35:52 AM »
Hi everybody,

my name is Thomas, I'm 24 years old and live near Nürnberg in Germany.
I found your (great) website about 2 month ago thru a german bulletin board called which linked to DarthNuno's great (no, not great, awsome is a better word for it) description on his build of his Lairs. So after only reading for about 2 month, I decided to register my self and say hi! :)

I'm pretty new to the whole arcade stuff, I've  always been more like the classic PC/Amiga gamer, only played arcade during the vacations in Italy when I was a kid, mostly stuff like Metal Slug. Just recently I made one of my dreams come true by buying a "Super Neo 29" Cab including a 1 Slot MVS and of course Metal Slug 1 + 2 :)

In the next months I will start my personal gameroom (maybe I'll call it Logan's Lair ;) ) and will buy some more arcademachines, I really want to have a sit down outrun and of course some star wars machines! (and maybe some flippers for my wife...) :)

That's all for the moment,

Thomas / logan  ;D

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