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Topics - Bomjac

Pages: [1]
Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / NERG 2017 , 1St & 2nd July - Newcastle
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:53:04 PM »

Back to its spiritual home for it's 5th annual event is NERG.  This is in my mind the highlight of the UK retrogaming scene, run  by an enthusiast for enthusiasts.  Already promising 100 cabs and 50 pins, I probably will bring down some Williams goodies.

If you of you continental cousins can make it across to Brexitland for this I do thoroughly recommend it.  The organiser Phil,does have a discounted rate at a hotel close to the event and usually lays on some transport to and from the hotel on the day also.

Flights are readily available from to Newcastle, and even an overnight ferry from Rotterdam if you want to bring a cab or 2 and the family over.  The Metro centre is also rumoured to be a rather large shopping centre if you want to bring the wife / girlfriend / family for a shopping trip.

Did I forget to add that it is also a cracking night out in the 'Toon

I thoroughly recommend this folks, and you can get to meet all those lovely UK enthusiasts who are to afraid to travel to Eurocade.  I can even throw in a trip to the Black Bull to see whatever random punk band is playing on the Friday night.

Any questions you have follow the links on the page above or drop a post to UKVAC / Jamma+.

Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / Barcade in Amsterdam ?
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:55:00 PM »
I saw something in the Easyjet flight mag on the way to 020 last week about a barcade that had opened in Amsterdam - Does anyone have info on it ?

All the rest / To see and do in Rotterdam ?
« on: February 18, 2014, 09:01:40 PM »
As the title says, what is there ?  Hopeful of getting the approval for a few months work in Schiedam tomorrow, so with the job being 40 hrs initially I will have some time to kill at the weekends.

Arcade Lifestyle / Sinistar Lives - sort of
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:09:01 AM »
Finally I got the time to fight my way into the garage today to have a first look at the Sinistar project I got from Love.  There was a nice little surprise underneath the Bezel - the original CPO in absolute mint condition.  Fortunately whoever converted it had used the original Bezel and applied the new Super Basketball to the reverse side.  This came off without any problems.  Artwork on the side looks good - paper based conversion overlay which will come off without any problems either.  

Downside is that they peeled the Sinistar CPO overlay to apply the new one, so quartercade will be supplying me with a new one as soon as he gets back with pricing.  The cab quite simply is in too good a condition externally to use anything else.

One final surprise was the tube inside - a WG chassis running a 19VLTP22tube (albeit with severe Super Basketball burn).  Will provide some pics later, just as soon as I get the Joust cocktail out of the garage and into it's rightful place in the living room today.  Going by the burn on the tube it existed as Super Basketball for most of its life.  Also has some slight monitor issues lol - see the vid below.  Hyper Sports was the first Konami pcb that came to hand.

Started tonight by cleaning the sides of the cab.  The Super Basketball stickers were a glossy paper stuck to the sides.  Removed these with a little steam cleaner and wooden spatula.  Glue residue and general cleaning of the cab sides was courtesy of the old favorite cleansing agent - 1-propanol.  This will be getting used to clean up the CP also tomorrow.

The pictures really do not do the cab justice as to the overall condition of the paintwork.  Screen burn and dodgy picture aside, the only thing wrong with the cab is a little water damage / spreading at the front cab base.

Technical Area / Defender Cocktail(s) are alive !
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:51:08 PM »
Somehow I ended up with 2 non-working Defender cocktails.  A complete NW from Coinopwarehouse, shipped via the ever reliable Love, ChrisChris & Martin the deliveryman and one from a UK collector.  Finally got round to looking at these yesterday.

Machine 1 - some dodgy connections on the power loom to the PCB (need to repair at a later date but it will work with a little wiggling) and a ROM board that did not work. Swapped ROM board out from other machine and bingo. Tested CPU PCB from machine #2 - this is showing RAM fault, that is for another day.

Machine 2 - No power. Original US style lead / plug broken, so cut back to a working part and new plug fitted. Power at the machine but 12V LED missing. Replaced fuse and all voltages correct. Fitted the now working PCB set from other machine and it also fired up.  Currently machine has PCB showing RAM error and ROM board that boots to Rug screen.

In the interests of QC, I played a few games on each of them. Other than the PCB issues both are fully working. Damn is the cocktail version hard to play.

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted : 49 way Sinistar stick
« on: October 01, 2013, 06:31:45 PM »
As the title says, does anybody have one for sale ?

Artwork / Gallag Instruction Card
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:39:25 AM »
Have not seen this anywhere on the web other than the Japanese version, so if anyone is after it for cleaning up drop me a pm and I will email the .bmp out to you.  This scan was taken @ 150dpi, but I could scan in more res if needed.  I was going to upload some flyers to the arcade museum flyers page also, but it does not look to have been updated in quite some time.

Arcade Lifestyle / One lucky Q-Bert owner
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:40:02 AM »
Lady luck does not even come close to describe this one in the states.......Qbert for $50 in a charity shop.

Arcade Lifestyle / SW upright
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:13:54 PM »
Finally got my hands on one of these.  Non worker, needs some TLC, but it came with a box of assorted boards as spares and original 19" amp.  Even more surprising was that it was only 20 miles from me.  Happy days.

Downside is I am offshore till 8th Nov, then start a new job in Cadiz 12th November.  I dont think it will see much work between now and Easter unfortunately.

I know its a long shot, but does anyone happen to have a slapstic chip from the above ? (chip 137412-108).  I have a roadrunner PCB which is coming up with the relevant error code to say the chip is shot.  Already tried J+ and UKVAC with no luck.

All the rest / Greetings form Scotland
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:18:05 PM »
Hi folks - Posting to say hello.  Been reading the forums occasionally for the last year or so, but finally got around to signing up last night.  HAve been on Jamma+ and UKVac for about a year or so time though.

Got a few cabs at home, in varying states (The first 3 were at R3play last year)
  • Stargate - Good overall condition, usual scrapes for a 30yo cab, needs a pin renewing due to poor connection overgheating causing resets (tomorrows job)
  • Robotron - Bought this before Christmas, haven't gotten round to transporting it to my own house yet, intend to bring it home at the weekend.  Needs some cosmetic work but otherwise solid enough.
  • Zero Point in a BAS cab
  • 28" Screened BAS Jamma with a PC hooked up for mame goodness
  • 19" BAS Jamma which is to be mamed when I get time

Also have a millipede shell in the garage that I intend to sort out over the spring/summer, but it needs everything apart from a trackball, so a lot of work in it.  Any millipede parts that anyone has spare I would be happy to purchase from you.

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