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Messages - starlord

Pages: [1]
@darthnuno: now enjoying zolgear is bound to happen for all someday. The most important is the hardware has been preserved and will allow for this sooner or later.

This chapter is now closed with a pleasant conclusion.

Galaxian Theater / Galaxian3 and zolgear preserved by dumping union.
« on: March 21, 2024, 10:19:57 PM »
Hey all.

Superlative news: the dumping union has dumped and imaged the roms and laser disks of both galaxian3 and attack of the zolgear. The dumps are currently being uploaded to the internet archive and Phil should have upcoming news.

While emulation of this beast might not be close term, at least we can take comfort that both games are preserved now.

Interesting. Could you keep us in the loop when this occurs?

Maybe we could find a way to sweeten the deal for them, such as providing them with the rom and laserdisc image files for use as backup, and some repair or scavenging options for the machine.

I have indicated the thread to a number of people. They might drop by and give their two cents here.

Thanks for the answer DarthNuno. Maybe there?s a chance we might do something definite for this machine and preserve both galaxian3 and zolgear.

Hello all, I hope you are all well.

So given the latest success we had with the castlevania the arcade cab preservation, we were wondering if we might make it a 2 for one.

We have a team as well as domesday duplicator specialists (for laserdiscs) standing by who would be interested in taking a look at the galaxian3/attack of the zolgear cab.

The idea would be to properly save the laser disks and dump the missing zolgear roms, so both galaxian3 and return of the zolgear might be completely preserved and in the future emulated under name.

We would gladly wish to reach the Agragames museum to discuss this with them but due to their opening having been shot due to the Covid outbreak, we are unsure of their status. Incidentally we could benefit from a direct contact with one of their members.

Could someone here like darthNuno maybe help us out with that?

Arcade Lifestyle / Castlevania the arcade preservation complete :
« on: May 27, 2023, 05:42:55 PM »
Time to rekindle some castlevania flames with the fans.

This is a tremendous achievement given the rarity of the cab.

Thanks. If at some point the person who obtained your boards would agree to a rom dump of zolgear, it would be a great starting point to know what boards need to be dumped per se.

Incidentally, it would be a great victory preservation wise, as zolgear doesn?t even have a port contrarily to mainstream galaxian3.

Actually, to be perfectly fair, a dump of the day of the zolgear roms would also be very useful, as those specific roms haven?t been dumped to my knowledge, right? If given the opportunity one day, it would be great to preserve them.

And laserdisc wise, bit rot is and remains a thing. But the domesday duplicator has made tremendous progress in completely imaging LDs with no data loss. The question is to have the gal3 and zolgear LDs handy.

Out of curiosity darthnuno? How many roms were present in the zolgear cab that are yet to be dumped?

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: has anyone heard of this?
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:34:52 PM »
Sorry, simple question, but is anyone here fluent in japanese?

does the owner of the blog own a yamato cab? If not, perhaps he would know of taito or ex taito members who do...

Galaxian Theater / Re: Galaxian3 mod for Homeworld2
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:18:30 PM »
Hello! Sorry to resurrect that old topic, but might anyone know whether that MOD is still being worled on? To import the UIMS/USJF fleets in FSSCP might be quite interesting...

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: has anyone heard of this?
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:49:55 PM »
Pity: It looks like a blast!

Might taito themselves have an operational cab in their archives?

Arcade Lifestyle / has anyone heard of this?
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:07:38 AM »
Seems a laserdisk game based on the starblazers franchise by taito did hit it in japan for a while:

Might anyone have info on this? it's preservation would be greatly appreciated by the fans of the franchise...

true: vids of that cab are rare not to mention the actual internet entries regarding it!

that's one of the reasons I wanted to know whether some persons among here were french and living close to the coast... this way, perhaps they could take a peek...

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: anyone here living around port leucate (france)?
« on: September 04, 2010, 06:19:56 PM »
Sorry! silly me: forgot the stats:

Chameleon RX-1
* Mechanical Specification
- Weight: 150 Kg
- Payload: 200 Kg
- Size: 1365mm(W) * 1200mm(L) * 1706mm(H)
- DOF: Pitch(30deg), Yaw(360deg)
- Actuator: Length(236mm), Stroke(120mm)
* Electrical Specification
- Motor: 400W AC Servo, 600W AC Servo
- Power: 200VAC, 1Phase * Dynamic System
- Motion Envelop: Pitch(30deg), Yaw(360degree/s)
- 360degree Infinite Rotation
- Velocity: Pitch(33.3degree/s), Yaw(72degree/s)
* Feature of Chameleon RX-1
- Realistic intense and impact by 4 channel woofer
- Available to enjoy various game contents simply by replacing the joystick panel
- Adapted dynamic feature on each contents to make rider feel real
- Next generation game machine complied with customer's desire (360degree infinite rotation)
- Available to play network game based on PC platform
- Continuous contents development& thorough A/S support
- High performance visual image through 18.1 LCD monitor
* Game Contents
- StarFall: Shooting game to fight against enemy crafts by operating Apache helicopter
- Tank Hunter: Shooting game to organize a unit and exterminate hostile armies

Hello there, newcommer starlord here:

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that I'm enchanted to post in those forums... Your commitment to the mame scene has been nothing short of fabulous (especially given the recent dumps of the galaxian3 cabinets): this is software preservation at it's finest...

Actually, I have a question for you: I have spotted in port leucate a very curious cabinet named the chameleon RX-1 made by digital sunil (korea):

quite similar to this one aside from the fact that the one I saw was actually a tiltable chair: it went out in 2002 and appearantly is heavily PC based...

As such, I was actually wondering if this one might have been among your to be dumped collection in order for it to be preserved also?

many thanks for the insight.

best regards.


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