4th july 2005 :After something like
five years of hard research, I found one... in Germany
Tomorrow, I'll drive with a friend to germany ( about 450km to drive )...
I prepare the map

Of course, I'll aslo print the best way to go there, thanks
WOOW, what's the website on the right screen

https://www.dragonslairfans.com, a fabulous website for all Dragon's Lair fan & Golden Age arcade game !!!

I've to wake up at 6:00am tomorrow ...
5th july 2005 :DDDDrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggggggg....
WAKE UP DUDE, it's a great day for you today

Here's my old buddy 'Burt', also present with me for the Namco's StarBlade roadtrip ( see here :
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=28 )

First thing to do : get the fuel

Here's the fuel price in Luxembourg...

Now playing in the car ( it's a bacup disk of course, I keep the original safe )


Here's the way : Belgium -> Luxembourg -> Germany...
Already in the big morning traffic jam

We reach the Germany border

We drive... we drive ..

First stop (

toilet ) ... and take coke

I mean the drink of course ... sorry for my bad english ^^

I got you Burt

Arghhh, it's 11:25am, we are late on the planing... a lot a traffic jam everywhere


... so let's drive

Arghhh, the final highway exit we've to get is... CLOSED

Well, after a lot of trouble in finding a new way, we finally arrive in the right town... but we're lost, and not able to found the street... So let's ask to citizen

... again ...

until we arrive to the right place....
and ...
YEAH !!! my Holy Graal
The seller is cool and very nice... we talk about golden age games... I'll do business again with him, for sure
So, he plugs the game... The laser disc is not working, but the general state of the cabinet is very good... sad there's no side arts and the control panel overlay is half missing... some cigaret burn on the monitor plexi...

I would like to stay more, to see others games he has, but I've a long trip go go back home, so... we load the game inside the car :

... before leaving... I have to pay for the toy ... bye bye €€€€

The size of the cabinet force us to push forward the car seat... not easy for my friend to drive like that

...the traditional "I'm Happy" picture inside the car, with the cab' of course

After 6 hours of 'hard drivin' (

) , we're HUNGRY

Do you like american food

I want to eat fast... I'm affraid someone stole the game in the car

We have somethink like 500km to drive, so let's get some fun...
Now playing :
System of a down 'Toxicity'
Muse 'Origin of the Symetry'

Of course, the 'official' rain... present in most roadtrip

A new stop in a gas station...
Look at me... I'm so happy... I'm pointing it ... It's really a great day for me

... in other country... there are a lot of strange things... the shape of the Diet coke by exemple

In germany, we see a lot of this...

After something like 11 hours on the road, we finally close to home

in few seconds, we'll arrive to ... Belgium ! Home sweet home

Have a look at the amount of km driven : 996.9

The game in now ... IN MY HOUSE

other view ...

other view...

It's an european version ... from Atari ... with a PAL LD

Stay tuned for the complete restoration