@All: What do you think of the following prices for nice fully working games. Prices are including shipping to CoinOpWarehouse.
Tempest 950
Q*Bert (mint) 1100
Kung Fu Master 600
Donkey Kong Jr 650
Popeye 600
Tron 850
Double Dragon 400
Frogger 500
This is a deal which is not going to happen if we dont buy all the games in a bulk deal.
Please keep in mind that these prices INCLUDE shipping to CoinOpWarehouse. Doesn'T exactly translate to cheap, but is also not expensive. Also these games are in really good condition and fully working. CoinOpWarehouse will not come up with many games that nice.
Short: I need to know if there is interest in every single game. And I need to know that soon. If no interest, oh well.
I will upload the pics I have so far tonight. Its the same from Asana though. Pics for Frogger, Double Dragon and Tron will come soon, but I expect these games to be in good condition anyway.
Let me know what you think!
(Edit: I just took these games off the G Docs For sale list, as there is too much back and forth with this deal at the moment.)