What a great week end
This first exhibition was really cool
A lot of friends, fun & -of course- great games
Well, by 'games' I mean mostly 'Pinballs', but few arcade games was there ... including my *Space Ace* of course
Ok, so here we are ... few days before the exhibition... let's prepare the display ... Pimp my monitor
Oh, and I'll also "ArcadeLifeStyle" costomize this desktop
I'm only able to get one cabinet to Paris for this exhibition... So the best one for me is the Space Ace cabinet.... because it's the best exemple of what we can do for a cab' :
- Roadtrip (see
- Huge restoration (see
OK, let's load it in the car :
All the stuff are loaded... ready to go for ... Paris
I'll be at this exhibition under the banner of the french website
WWW.GAMOOVER.NET, where I'm from the staff, and so, we meet us first to choose the other games to bring at the exhibition
...arriving at the Misteriddler's house... Zorg is already here
...let's choose a pinball ...
...wmwwweell, not the Cirqus Voltaire, but THIS one : MEDIEVAL MADNESS
Ok, because I'm already bring on a dedicated cab' with the Space Ace, we will bring an Astro City cab... but ... there is not enough space to remove the game from that room
Not a problem, let's remove a part of the door
...it's fine now...
OK... 2h30 later ... he are on loacation ... the hall is almost empty... it's friday evening
...unloading the stuff ...
Crazy kids
OK, it's time to build up the *stand* :
...very dangerous job...
We also got some pachislots :
... time to eat with few other collectors...
...and having some fun too
All our pachislot are now ready...
...and the Space Ace / Astro cabinets too
The stand is almost done... We'll finish it tomorrow morning, coz we're too tired now... So let's sleep untill...
The Day 1...few last adjustments before the opening...
Staff members are trying Space Ace
I got also a Vectrex... in order to show what is a true Vector monitor
Ace... my Hero...
Can your recognize the monitor now ?
Chat with the main event organisator
...what is the orginal ? Both ? repro ? Nos ? ...
Because it wasn't a pure vintage arcade games expo, I decided to use a computer/Daphne setup in that cab, instead the real laser disc hardware... So this cab will play Space Ace, Dragon's Lair & Dragon's Lair II
Very nice to see young kids around this 'cartoon' game... like was a long ago
Overview of the stand that we shared with our friends of the website
www.flippers-jukeboxes.net Thanks to them to let us be here with them
Kids playing Space Ace ...
It's the perfect spot to show them the upcoming Dragon's Lair for Nintendo DS
People still love the *classics*
Day two...time to eat... and celebrate
...back on our stand...
It's sunday, and because there is an 'important' match in this Rugby World Cup 2007 ...in France... most of the visitors leave soon
Because we have to go back in Belgium, it's time to leave for us too :
...and it's time to say goodbye to our friends
...After UK, Belgium, Paris ... that Space Ace will go back home ... in my Lair in Belgium
It was a really great week end. Greats pinballs, a lot of fun, nice meeting... This first edition was a real succes
I hope next year there will be more arcade games
other link :
The others exhibitors :