Last saturday, a
euro dig dug was offered up on a german arcade forum for nothing more than a crate of beer. the first binding promise would get it! although i prefer the american dig dug over the euro version, nothing beats free. PLUS only recently i had picked up a cocktail table glass bezel for the "seller", so this would be a nice chance for the exchange. even better: the pickup location was pretty close!
so i typed my reply, waited a couple of hours and finally got the answer i was hoping was:
it's yours, ully!!! 
making an appointment was very easy, so a mere couple of days later right after school on wednesday i jumped into my car and headed off. here's what's coming up

statistics for starters

a little less than 150 kilometers - a piece of cake!

don't forget to bring "the money"

there's an important election coming up this sunday (well, at least some people think so), so election posters are everywhere

. but as you guys know, i don't care anymore about politics, more important is that the weather rockzzz!!!

on the road, there's a lot of
digging going on

i'm passing by the famous egg-shaped 3d imax movie theater

upon approaching nuremberg, signs warn the driver of traffic jams - and here we go!

i'm "creepcrawling" into the city

anyone care for a used car?

arriving at the seller's location, the gates are closed

open sesame

the first thing you see upon entering is a bunch of old american cars. this is
not the seller's profession, but his hobby: he imports them from the states and then restores them to former glory!

when he was in the usa, he found this one sitting by the side of the road and brought it over

another nice one inside (at least if you care for cars)

also inside, some arcade games ...

... and what i came for: the euro dig dug!

the cab is in ok condition, monitor is working, but displays only garbage on the screen. my first plan of attack (when the game eventually reaches the front of the restoration assembly line in 2018) is to remove that ugly woodgrain vinyl and slap on the fabulous us sideart. although the cab shape is a little bit different, i'm pretty sure it's going to fit if i have it printed on white with enough spare vinyl around it! dig dug deserves some nice sideart - such an awesome game!

the overlay is ok for now ...

... but will eventually be replaced! just recently a german guy has done a full restoration of the euro dig dug and he's going to send me the vector file of the cpo so that i can have it printed

the cab loaded up in my car

it even came with the original manual - man, i want to pump up those monsters badly

on my way back, more
digging ...

... and some serious
dugging going on

statistics for experts

one country, two counties, 299 kilometers, 4 hours 40 minutes on the road - this roadtrip is OFFICIALLY OVER! 
saying goodbye to another nice roadtrip - and remember:
nothing can beat FREE!