Back in September 2022.
I have the opportunity to get the legendary original gauntlet arcade machine. I picked up the 'modern' version 20 years ago (aka Gauntlet Legends, see
here), but nothing can't beat the original version!
I love this game... I've had the opportunity to buy this game several times over the past 25 years, but I always thought that having it at home would kill its interest. Being by nature a multiplayer game, with a kind of 'pay to win' gameplay, with no possibility to 1CC. So as a solo player, I didn't really see the point of having it at home.
Bullshit! I love too much that game, I had so much great memories (on the arcade version, but also on the Amstrad CPC port).... cabinet is so gorgeous, and Gauntlet is definitively a title that belong to the arcade history. Now I've 2 kids (meaning more players). Oh and because, come one, everyone know the game "Gauntlet"! Finally, I'm such a fan of the CONAN movies... this game could have been called 'The Adventure of Conan the Barbarian'.
So after all theses arguments, I have the approval of the Barbarian and his Valkyrie to make this journey.

In order to 'size' this Adventure....
...but for once, it will be a road trip very close to home... only 111km to destination :

In order for the seller not to change his mind, I decided to go and get the game immediately. It was a kind of 'unexpected & improvised' road trip. So my first stop is the bank, where my favorite thief is waiting for me... warrior need money :

Soon enough, in the middle of the Cimmera land, the led "Warrior Needs Food Badly!" is on :

I should find something to eat in this tavern...

Problem solved :

Here I am at the French border, where I will continue under good escort from now...

...because this country looks very violent indeed and it seems very dangerous to want to cross it alone... (wind turbine spotted!)

In the midst of all this violence outside, it is with all serenity that I present you the amulet of protection that my son made for me... clearly mandatory for this dangerous journey!

It's quieter now, we're getting closer to the goal...

Here we are, the beast was hiding in that garage :

The history of this cabinet by the seller : the game was operated in the small pub from this little village. About 20 years ago, the seller bought the game from that pub. When he bought it, it wasn't the Gauntlet board anymore. The cabinet was already 'jamma' hacked.
At the time, he wanted to restore the orignal game, but in the end he didn't do anything at all. So the cabinet remained in its original state for almost 20 years in that garage.
Having no longer a particular plan, he put this cabinet for sale, and here I am.
The deal with the seller was : as is, no question... so let be it!

I'm not talking about the way home, which went smoothly.
(for my stats : 246 km / 5h23 on road / Belgium<>France)Here's the beast inside the Nuno's Lair, ready to be resurrected and start a new life

Do you want to life forever ?

... so let's bring back this game to its full glory!