Author Topic: DARIUSBURST : fixing monitor issue / repair log  (Read 3930 times)


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DARIUSBURST : fixing monitor issue / repair log
« on: June 03, 2023, 08:10:56 AM »
May 2023, got a first issue on my beloved DariusBurst cabinet... one of the two screens is not working anymore  :evil:  :arrow:

This happened after moving the cabinet inside my game room. So it shouldn't be a big issue, probably a disconnected cable or connector...
So I've done all the basic checks : all the video cables are in, monitor is powered, Taito X2 is sending picture to the right screen... I permuted everything between left and right monitors to diagnose,  I tried it 'outside' the cabinet, and the conclusion is... the right monitor doesn't work anymore!

I disassembled all the parts of the monitor, unplug / replug all the connectors, cleaning the dust... but it didn't help!
Sending this monitor to Taito Japan for repair would cost a fortune, and I'm even not sure they will do the job as I'm not an operator!

Whatever, this monitor is a 'simple' 32" flatscreen monitor made by LG, and I should be able to found a similar model.

Luckily, I own since 5 years a LG 32" monitor I'm using to do home working  ;D So let's plug it to the Taito X2 and power on the cabinet ->

The game doesn't boot! There is an EDID (*) check during the boot that verify if the original monitors are plugged.

(*)Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) is a metadata standard that lets display devices like monitors, televisions, and projectors communicate their capabilities to the video source. When using HDMI or DVI, the EDID from your television tells the video source what the dimensions of the screen are.

But that check is done only before starting the game. So I plugged the defect right monitor again (which is luckily working enough to communicate the EDID data to the computer, although no more able to display something on the screen anymore), boot the game, and then I'm plugging my LG PC monitor screen  :arrow:

I'm quickly 'dropping' it in its location... yeah! That's gonna make it... but here's now the challenge : how to fix it correctly? ...because it will have to be adjusted to the millimeter, the two screens must be perfectly aligned... ???

So the plan is to replicate the original fixation you can see on the right monitor below for my replacement one (the left one) :arrow:

Some wood working and it's ready for the test 8)  :arrow:

Hurrah!  :-*  :arrow:

The difficulty is to have the monitor screen as close as the wood bezel you can see below ->

OK, now let's fix the EDID check during the boot... which the help of this device  ;)  :arrow:

First, let's clone the EDID from the original monitor  :arrow:

Done! Now this device  -inserted between the computer and the new monitor- will communicate with the computer exactly like the original monitor did :-)

So the Taito X2 will be 'tricked' and the game will boot, passing the EDID test!  :arrow:

It's a wrap!  :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

Funny to think that my LG 32" monitor used for years to display boring/serious stuff for my job will now end its live by displaying such enjoyable pictures... such an half/inverted screen of Dariusburst games  ;D ;D ;D  :spaceace:
« Last Edit: June 06, 2023, 05:22:25 PM by DarthNuno »


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Re: DARIUSBURST : fixing monitor issue / repair log
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2023, 06:51:23 PM »
Wow, I mean that much of work just to "swap" to a new monitor? uff, well done!


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Re: DARIUSBURST : fixing monitor issue / repair log
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2023, 10:37:46 AM »
Nice and well documented job, thanks for sharing. :spaceace:


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Re: DARIUSBURST : fixing monitor issue / repair log
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2023, 10:39:45 AM »
Very useful information, I had no idea about the check needed to let the monitor run. I would like to get one of these cabs one day, so all info will be useful.
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Re: DARIUSBURST : fixing monitor issue / repair log
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2023, 04:51:18 PM »
Great you got it fixed!!!